Oct 252010

Downtown Salem is seeing incredible growth and development. Over 70  new businesses have opened since the SMS program was reactivated in Salem in July 2007.  Just this year 226 new jobs were added in

downtown Salem by 9 new restaurants and 16 new shops.

The new businesses: Adriatic Restaurant and Bar, The Beehive, Café Polonia, Café Valverde, Comida Mexican Taqueria, Coven, Custom House Rotisserie, Elemental Design, Frankenstein’s Art, The Great Escape, Green Land Café, Hip Baby Gear, Howling Wolf Taqueria, Lightshed Photography Studio, Mighty Aphrodite, Milk & Honey, Mud Puddle Toys, Omen: Psychic Parlor & Witchcraft Emporium, Sankofa Massage & Bodywork, Seaport

Café, Sweet Anthem, Two Girls Shop, The Urbane Cyclist, Witch Tees and World of Witches Museum all opened their doors in 2010 creating 226 new positions.

For a recent article on growth in downtown Salem see…boston.com

Pictured are just a few of the new downtown businesses on the occasion of their ribbon cuttings.

 Posted by at 8:19 am

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