Salem Main Streets is introducing a Holiday Stroll on Sunday, Dec. 18th to encourage residents to shop local and enjoy their downtown during the holiday season. Grab brunch at one of our many fine local eateries, then hit the pavement for special promotions and unique finds all around the downtown, serenaded by festive roaming carolers. Keep your eyes peeled for Santa!
Over 35 businesses have planned special promotions or treats for Sunday shoppers. Find a full list of participating businesses at http://salemmainstreets.org/festivals/holiday-happenings/holiday-stroll.
In addition, we have over 35 businesses who participated in our Holiday Window Contest who have created beautiful and festive windows all over town. Post pics of your favorite windows with the hashtags #salemholidaywindows or #staylocalsalem to be entered for a prize! Look for the Salem Main Streets wreath sticker on participating windows, or find the full list of participating windows and winners here: http://salemmainstreets.org/festivals/holiday-happenings/holiday-window-contest.
Our friends at The Good Witch of Salem have also organized a kid-friendly “Follow the Gingerbread Trail” game with a prize for completion! Start at 2 North Street on Sunday for details.
Shoppers should also visit Old Town Hall for ChagallPAC’s Winter Solstice Market & Healing Mini-Festival for different events and activities between 10 am and 5 pm, coordinated with support from the City of Salem Public Art Commission.
Our Salem Main Streets 2023 Holiday Happenings, including this event as well as the Holiday Tree at Lappin Park and the wreaths and ribbons around town, were made possible in part by a grant through the City of Salem and U.S. Economic Development Administration, as well as contributions from our local business community, including Harrison’s Comics & Pop Culture, Hive & Forge, the House of the Seven Gables, and Witch City Wicks.
For more information about any of these events, contact Kylie Sullivan, Salem Main Streets Executive Director, at (978)744-0004 or kylie@salemmainstreets.org, and follow Salem Main Streets on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.