Aug 252011
The First North Shore A.H.H. Festival – Saturday, August 27 from 10 – 5 on the Salem Common.

The festival, organized by The Dejas, will be a day of Arts and Holistic Health, and the A.H.H. acronym is reflective as well of a play on the exhalation of breath, ahh… the universal sound of contentment and peace, as well as a component of meditation breath exercises and yogic breathing.

The day’s events, to be held on the Salem Common, will feature music, visual and performance art as well as presentations by practitioners of the healing arts. The festival will all be 100% free, with volunteer vendors providing a diverse range of services for those who attend. The holistic and health side will include massage, Reiki, acupuncture, Henna Tattooing, a project adventure ropes course and Yoga instruction for the entire family. The arts side will feature paper making, magic for kids, sculpture, the Junk Funk Jam (a percussion circle using recycled materials for instruments) and belly dancing.

Throughout the festival, the Dejas will be providing ambient music, from the gazebo in the center of the commons, creating a harmonious musical atmosphere and constantly changing backdrop to the many activities, for the participants.

Aug 222011

This week is MA Farmers’ Market week. Stop by the Salem Farmers’ Market Thursday in Derby Square from 3 – 7 to show your support for local farms. The regularly scheduled cooking demonstration and music have been cancelled this week. We apologize for any inconvenience. This past Thursday the market celebrated a Tomato Festival which was judged by Chive Catering and Farmer Bill Clark (Clark Farm’s tomatoes were not entered into the contest since Mr. Clark served as a judge.)

Tomato Festival Winners:                                                          

Biggest Tomato
Winner:  Long Hill – 1.42 pounds
Best Cherry Tomato
Winner:  Gibney – Variety – Sun Gold
Best Heirloom
Winner – Heaven’s Harvest – Variety – Brandywine
Most Unique
Winner – Heavens Harvest – Variety – Green Zebra
#2 First Light Farm
Best Slicing Tomato
Winner – Maitland – Variety – Brandywine
#2 Grants Plants
Salem Main Streets Director Jennifer Bell and Represenative John Keenan inspecting tomatoes in the tomato contest.
Photos taken by Dick Scott.
Aug 162011

Stop by the Salem Famers’ Market Thursday from 3- 7 p.m. and enjoy the market’s first ever Tomato Festival. There will be children’s activities including face painting from 3 – 7 p.m.  At 3:30 Chive will do a cooking demonstration featuring tomatoes. Enjoy the music by System Sound a collaboration between ScottVoid and Qwill from 5 –  7 p.m. At 4:15 there will be tomato judging. Stop by the market pick up some tomatoes and try a new recipe.  We encourage everyone to share their favorite tomato recipe with us on Facebook.

For a delicious tomato recipe:

Recipe created by Yun Wang.

Aug 102011

Thank you to everyone who braved the gray and eventually rainy weather to make Salem’s Ice Scream Bowl Tuesday night a success. Salem Main Streets greatly appreciates the kind donation and assistance of Ben & Jerry’s, Captain Dusty’s, Cherry Farm Creamery, Crosby’s Market, DownRiver Ice Cream, Hobbs, Maria’s Sweet Somethings, Mix 104.1, Rita’s, Salem Chamber of Commerce, Seaport Cafe, Scoops, numerous volunteers, intern Joao Goncalves and the City of Salem. Over 1,200 people attended the ice cream event making it a successful fundraising event for Salem Main Streets.  There were many delicious samples of different types of ice cream, face painting and music by DJ Doug. To volunteer or get involved with planning upcoming SMS events contact Jennifer at or (978)744-0004.  There are many more great Heritage Week events coming up including the Salem Chamber of Commerce Essex Street Fair August 13 & 14. Visit for a complete schedule.

Aug 042011

Thursday 3 – 7 in Derby Square Salem Farmers’ Market

Today Stop by the Salem Farmers’ Market in Derby Square on Front Street for delicious tomatoes, berries, bread, cheese and much more. Enjoy the lovely cello music by Simon Linn-Gerstein from 5 – 7 p.m. St Jean’s Credit Union is the market sponsor for the week. Also, stop by the National Park Service table to learn more about upcoming events including the maritime festival. For full information about the market visit

Friday, August 5th, 6:30-9 pm  Sunset Concert on Historic Derby Wharf featuring the Celtic rock band, Coyote Run.

Saturday, August 6th, 10am-5pm

Free Family Fun All Day! Free Harbor Cruises!, Friendship of Salem Tours & Demonstrations, USS Constitution Master Gun Drill Team, USCG 47’ Motor Life Boat Tours, NE Aquarium Tide Pool Exhibit, Free Canoe, Kayak, Jolly Boat Rides, Hands-on! Sea Adventures, Horse-drawn Hayrides around historic Salem, Roving Storytellers, Craft Demonstrations, The Rebel Shakespeare Company performing “Shakespeare Asea”, Boatbuilding, Face Painting, Kite-flying and a Muck Walk! Look for the Salem Farmers’ Market Table.
