Jan 252011

Tickets are going fast for the Salem’s So Sweet Chocolate and Wine Tasting Event February 4 in Hamilton Hall. The event runs from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. We are expecting an even more fabulous event than last year with 22 participating businesses offering delicious chocolate samples or wine. Get your tickets for $25 now at the Salem Chamber of Commerce at 265 Essex Street. The event is expected to sell out. Participating businesses include:

62 Restaurant and Wine Bar
Adriatic Restaurant & Bar
Busa Wine & Spirits
Cafe Polonia
Cafe Valverde
Caffe Graziani
Capt.’s Waterfront Grill & Pub
Captain Dusty’s Ice Cream
Coffee Time Bake Shop
Coven Dessert Bar
Finz Seafood Restaurant & Grill
Great Escape Restaurant
Green Land Cafe
Gulu-Gulu Cafe
Maria’s Sweet Somethings
Milk & Honey Green Grocer
Salem Waterfront Hotel
Salem Wine Imports
Victoria Station
Ye Olde Pepper Co.
The event is sponsored by the Salem Waterfront Hotel.
Jan 222011

Salem Main Streets is pleased to announce that SMS has been awarded a $1,000 grant by the Salem Cultural Council for the 2011 Salem Arts Festival This will enable us to continue our goal of showcasing the talents of the arts community in a free festival downtown Salem. The Festival is June 3 – 5, 2011 downtown Salem. Applications for the 2011 festival will be available soon. Anyone interested in volunteering for the festival or festival committee should contact Jennifer at (978)744-0004 or Jennifer@salemmainstreets.org. For future updates visit the festival website http://www.salemartsfestival.com  Thank you to the Salem Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, for their continued support of the festival.

Jan 142011

The Salem’s So Sweet Festival Brochure is now available! This year’s festival is the most spectacular ever – with numerous events including a Polar Plunge, 21 Ice Sculptures (a new record), and the popular Chocolate and Wine Tasting Event in Hamilton Hall.  Thank you to all businesses who are participating in the festival February 4 – 14, 2011.

For a complete festival brochure follow the links below:

Salem’s So Sweet Brochure Page 1

Salem’s So Sweet Brochure Page 2

Hard copies will be available closer to the start of the festival.

Sep 142010

This weekend is the annual Salem Literary Festival September 17 – 19. With events ranging from a reading of To Kill a Mocking Bird to a Scrabble Tournament to important author events.  The festival will open with Salem’s own bestselling author, Brunonia Barry, author of The Lace Reader, welcoming festival attendees, and the winner of the First Salem Literary Festival Writing Contest is announced.  Author Lily King will read from FATHER OF THE RAIN, the winner of the New England Book Award for Fiction.  Expect refreshments, interesting people and a really good time! Storetelling will be a popular occurrence in this year’s festival. History comes alive as we watch Susan B. Anthony debate Frederick Douglass,  and face the courts after illegally voting in 1872 when women were not permitted to vote, and reflect on her life at the age of 82.  Visit http://www.salemlitfest.com/schedule for a full schedule of events.

Jun 042010


Don’t miss the Salem Arts Festival starting with the opening reception Friday, June 4 at 5:00 p.m. in Old Town Hall.  The Salem Arts Festival is a free eclectic festival June 4 – 6 downtown Salem,  in Old Town Hall and various locations celebrating local talent.  Visit the offical website www.salemartsfestival.com for more information and a complete schedule of events.

Opening Reception at Old Town Hall: Join us on Friday for munchies and a glass of wine and the unveiling of the juried exhibit.  Be entertained all evening from 5-9:00 pm.  The show starts with A-Train, a young 5 piece jump-blues band, continues with Scottish Country Dancers and ends with a performance by soprano Jennifer Sgroe and pianist Beverly Soll.

Music, Music, Music & Dance: Saturday on Salem Common 2:30-7:30pm.   Sunday at Pickering Wharf starting at 12noon.   All Weekend at Old Town Hall:  Friday 5pm-9pm,  Saturday 10:30am-7pm,  Sunday 10am-4pm.   Folk, Rock, Blues, Celtic, Opera, Classical, Jazz, Techo, Contemporary, Multicultural, Funk, Pop – you’ll find them all.

Sunday Jazz Brunch: with East West Trio. 11:30 – 1pm.  BYO box lunch to Old Town Hall; make your own or purchase one at participating restaurants.

Join the Arts Walk: Pick up a free map & program booklet at Old Town Hall then find the artists in their galleries or in local businesses (on Saturday 10am – 5pm). Meet the artists en plein air on Sunday 12 noon – 5pm.

SAF - Fun Play Dance Air Sea

For  Teens: Get inspired by young bands such as A-Train, One Step Away and Standards of Excellence.

& Younger: Catch… Chris Cuddy and Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin at CornerStone Books, Kids Yoga moves on the Common, and Dan Covino playing orginal music on his 10 ft. long musical instrument made out of a tree limb.

Culinary Demos and Tastings on Pickering Wharf: Sunday 1- 5 at Victoria Station, Finz and Capt’s Waterfront.  Cupcake Decorating at Coven on Sunday at 1.  

Special Events Around Town: The grand opening of the Naimo Gallery, special art exhibits in restaurants and galleries, “The Kennedys, Portrait of a Family, Photographs by Richard Avedon” at the PEM,  Improv Comedy (a fee may be charged for these events)

P.S. In my next post I will explain my two month absence in posting.
