Mar 132009

A Call for Proposals has been released. The Salem Arts Festival is looking for participation from artists and performers in a diverse range of media for this event June 5 – 7, 2009. The Festival will celebrate painting, photography, sculpture, dance, music, writing, film, new media, performance, theatre, poetry, culinary, etc. The event will support local artists by providing them a free venue to interact with the community. The festival will take place downtown Salem.

The deadline for all entries is April 15, 2009. Artists and performers – in all genres – and especially those from Salem, are encouraged to apply. The festival also wants to encourage applications from artists interested in guiding children’s activities. Acceptance of proposals will be dictated by time and space requirements, as well as appropriateness to the festival’s goals. Art will be juried by a representative of the Peabody Essex Museum.

The Salem Arts Festival is being organized by Salem Main Streets, the Salem Arts Association, Salem State College, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem Film Fest, American History and Music Festival™, Gordon College and Salem Sounds.

Visit for more information.

Mar 052009

Salem Film Festival 2009!

Come to Salem, See the World!

Thursday, May 5
The Best of the Fest!

5:30 pm • Jury Award: In a Dream
7:30 pm • Audience Award: Life. Support. Music.

In a Dream – “Over the last thirty years, artist Isaiah Zagar has covered forty thousand square feet of Philadelphia with grand-scale mosaics. When Zagar’s son Jeremiah picks up a camera to document his father’s career, he is confronted with the reality of the man in front of the lens. In A Dream is an unblinking look at a celebrated artist who may not always be the husband and father his family needs him to be.”

Life, Support, Music – “In August 2004, Jason Crigler, one of New York City’s most sought-after guitarists, suffered a brain hemorrhage during a concert in Manhattan. That night at the hospital, the doctors told Jason’s family—if he makes it through the night, there won’t be much left of him. Jason’s wife, Monica, pregnant at the time, froze. “Everything completely stopped. I forgot all about the pregnancy. I think I left my body. I remember thinking, ‘This cannot be true. I cannot go on without Jason.’” In the face of wrenching despair and horrifying odds, the Criglers made a resolution—Jason will make a full recovery. And thus began the long, grueling, implausible and mystifying journey chronicled in Life. Support. Music. ”

For more information go to

Feb 182009

The winners of the Salem’s So Sweet window decorating contest are:

Most Original: Samantha’s Costumes, 177 Essex St.
Most Whimsical: Witch City Thrift & Consignment Store, 301 Essex St.

Samanthas Costumes Window

Samantha's Costumes Window

Samanthas Costumes

Samantha's Costumes

Witch City Thrift & Consignment Store

Witch City Thrift & Consignment Store

Witch City Thrift & Consignment Store Windows

Witch City Thrift & Consignment Store Windows

Salem Main Streets is pleased to announce the winners of the Salem’s So Sweet Window Decorating Contest. This is the first year we added a window contest to the festival and people really enjoyed the windows while they were viewing the 12 ice sculptures, shopping and chocolate promotions. Businesses were asked to decorate their windows on a Valentine or Anti-Valentine theme which led to many creative windows. The judges for Most Original Window and Most Whimsical Window were members of the Salem Main Streets Design Committee: Gina Flynn, of Eastern Bank, Shirley Walker, resident and Salem Real Estate, and Doug Hopper, architect. Committee members felt these windows were especially unique and creative. Witch City Thrift & Consignment Store had many interesting details throughout the window. They told a story of a woman stood up on Valentine’s Day. Samantha’s Costumes displayed an interesting variety of costumes on the Valentine and anti-Valentine theme including a pregnant cupid.

Almost 30 businesses participated in the Window Decorating Contest providing original and whimsical windows throughout the downtown. Participating windows include: Witch City Thrift & Consignment Store, Bella Hair Studio, Crunchy Granola Baby, Penelope’s Pet Boutique, Coon’s, Caffé Graziani, Treasures Over Time, J. Mode, MarketPlace Quilts, Trolley Depot, Rita’s, Signatures, Samantha’s Costumes, Salem Beer Works, Museum Place Mall: Bewitched In Salem, Bruce Rossmeyer Harley Davidson, Rose Medallion, Turtle Alley, Witch Tees, Peabody Essex Museum Shop, Fool’s Mansion, Rouge Cosmetics, Pickering Wharf: Salemdipity, Cat N The Fiddle Uniques, Living With Pets, The Picklepot, Quint Essentials.

Oct 082008

Mayor Driscoll, Representative Keenan, Senator Kerry, Congressman Tierney and others were on hand as the American Planning Association (APA) designated Salem as one of 10 Great Neighborhoods in America. APA Great Places exemplify exceptional character and highlight the role planning plays in creating communities of lasting value. APA Great Places offer better choices for where and how people work and live. They are enjoyable, safe, and desirable. They are places where people want to be – not only to visit, but to live and work every day. America’s truly great neighborhoods are defined by many unique criteria, including architectural features, accessibility, functionality, and community involvement.

Through Great Places in America APA recognizes the unique and authentic attributes of essential building blocks of great communities – streets, neighborhoods, and public spaces. For more information visit
