Mar 162014

Salem Ma Restaurant Week

Dining is always a special event in Salem Ma. We have so many fine and diverse eating establishments that you can easily eat out every night for a week and not consume the same foods. To prove that and to entice more fans, the Chamber of Commerce once again serves up Salem Restaurant Week.

Actually it is two weeks: Sunday-Thursday this week, and repeated next week March 23-27. A two-course prix-fixe dinner menu for $18, or a three-course prix-fixe dinner menu for $28, or both will be on the special menus from participating restaurants. (this does not include drinks, taxes or gratuities).
These well known dining destinations of the North Shore include:
62 Restaurant and Wine Bar, 62 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-0062
Adriatic Restaurant and Bar,155 Washington Street, Salem, MA – Bella Verona,107 Essex Street, Salem, MA – (978) 825-9911
Capt’s Waterfront Grill & Club, 94 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 741-0555
Finz Seafood & Grill, 76 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-0000
Flying Saucer Pizza Company, 118 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 594-8189
The Grapevine Restaurant, 26 Congress Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-9335
Longboards Cafe & Bar, 72 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-6659
Nathaniel’s at the Hawthorne Hotel, 18 Washington Square West, Salem, MA – (978) 825-4311
Naumkeag Ordinary, 118 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-4968
O’Neill’s Irish Pub, 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 740-8811
Opus, 87 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-9600
Regatta Pub at the Waterfront Hotel, 225 Derby Street, Salem, MA – (978) 740-8788
Rockafellas, 231 Essex Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-2411
Salem Beer Works, 278 Derby Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-2337
Tavern In The Square, 89 Washington Street Salem, MA – 978-740-2337
Thai Place, Museum Place Mall, Salem, MA – (978) 741-8008
Turner’s Seafood at Lyceum Hall, 43 Church Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-7665
Victoria Station, 86 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-3400
Village Tavern, 168 Essex Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-2858

Reservations are not required but strongly suggested, as this is becoming a well-known event along the North Shore. Bon appetit!

Feb 282014


Global spotlights focusing on Salem, MA, are not unusual during October with Haunted Happenings festivities ensue.  But we’re now getting used to world-wide attention and engagement in March for the Salem Film Fest.

From March 6 – 13, the largest all-documentary festival in New England will be presented at multiple venues in Salem by an all-volunteer organization of passionate film-lovers who have worked long hours to really make it a festival of film and more.

According to the website, “Besides presenting great documentary films, Salem Film Fest offers a rick schedule of discussions, parties, meet-and-greets, family-friendly screenings, student film showcases, and opportunities to meet visiting filmmakers in intimate settings.”

To just list the films would not do justice to the quality and variety selected, therefore we suggest you go to their website for the full effect.

To highlight the importance of this event, look no further than the fact that two-thirds of the featured filmmakers from all over the world are expected to attend and engage in post-screening dialogue.

Businesses around town are starting to decorate their windows in anticipation of this special festival, and “SFF super-fans” already have their viewing strategies planned for the full festival.  This is a truly unique Salem event that you can’t miss!

Festival passes and General Admission tickets are currently on sale and can be purchased through the website or at the CinemaSalem box office.

Jan 082014

Sweet deal coming up in Salem Ma! We don’t have to sugar coat this event. The next project that Salem Main Streets presents to the community is the Annual Salem So Sweet Chocolate & Ice Sculpture Festival.

Salem So SweetThis decadent tradition of delectable chocolate, sparkling ice sculptures, chocolate sampling and Valentine’s Day shopping draws crowds from near and far.

So much so that we want to invite local businesses to take advantage of opportunities to participate in the Salem So Sweet Chocolate & Ice Sculpture Festival; offer a promotion, sponsor an ice sculpture, or showcase food/wine at the kick-off event.

It may be cold outside but chocolate warms the heart and invites customers into stores as we head into the month of February.

  • Wine & Chocolate Tasting Kick-off Event: Friday, Feb. 7, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Colonial Hall at Rockafellas

  • Ice Sculptures around Town: Starting Feb. 8

  • Shopping Promotions, Events and The Golden Ticket Raffle: Feb. 8 – Feb. 16

  • and much more!

The application for participation  is due Friday, Jan. 10.

For more information or to participate, contact Kylie Sullivan at or 978.744.0004 x15.

Jan 042014

Small Biz Salem genericYou have been talking about launching your own business for the last year; you’ve been dreaming about it for longer than that. We are of course biased in support of the diverse Salem Ma Downtown District as your future location. So don’t take our word for it. However, Small Business Trends has mapped out the “Top 50 Small Business Shopping Destinations to Visit” and not one but six Massachusetts communities are on it— including Salem:

… retail has become big box stores and moved to strip shopping centers and malls. But there are still communities across the United States that have thriving small business districts where local entrepreneurs abound. We’ve identified 50 of the standouts…”

While the survey may have as its purpose to give shoppers a bird’s eye view of small business friendly destinations, it is also a close-up on communities which are successful incubators for budding owners of such businesses— notably Salem Ma.

From the January 2012 report of the Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy:

Small businesses continue to be incubators for innovation and employment growth during the current recovery. Small businesses continue to play a vital role in the economy of the United States. They produced 46 percent of the private nonfarm GDP in 2008…”

That could be your business.

And, according to the US Census Bureau Data (2009):

There were 5.8 million employer firms in the U.S. Firms with less than 20 workers made up 89.7 percent of these businesses.”

Salem stands ready to support you. Salem Main Streets. The Salem Chamber of Commerce. The City of Salem. Destination Salem. We are rich in organizations to answer every question and help you along the way. We actively support and work with our businesses through festivals, events, and national activities such as Small Business Saturday.

And then there are the businesses along the Downtown District themselves. Best resources of info. Don’t take our word for it. 2014 is here. Resolve it’s time to stop thinking and time to act on your dream.

Oct 062013

Biz Baz HatsBargains were there for the taking at the featured event this weekend, The Haunted Biz Baz. The Salem Chamber of Commerce produced a lively market atmosphere that motivated visitors and residents to move from one booth to another, charmed and delighted.

There were also plenty of activites for children during daytime hours such as the Salem Common Family Fun Day or The Big Draw at Peabody Essex Museum.

Adults faced their fears at night at The Terrifying Haunted House, Terror at the Village, and some terrifying Tales at the Witch House.

Biz Baz 10-5 PM2

Or you could just take a break from it all. The Salem Theatre Company is presenting “The Crucible,” while Gordon College/History Alive is offering “Goodnight, Captain White.”

Our Info Booth volunteers helped nearly 2000 people this weekend. Check our calendar for events during the week, and mark your date books to join us next weekend when we do it all over again.
