Jun 132014

You missed it didn’t you? Admit it. You put it on your calendar that the Salem Farmers Market grand opening for the 2014 season was Thursday, June 12th. And you forgot about it. Don’t worry. It will take place next Thursday and every Thursday until Oct. 23rd from 3-7pm in our Derby Square.

Salem Farmers Market 1Vegetables by the ounce, pound and bushel await you. Plus a great deal more (eggs, strawberries, apple cider, tomatoes, greens, pretzels, honey, cookies, and cheese). Several of the tables we hear were cleaned out.

The mission of a “Farmers Market” is to enhance the quality of life in the Salem downtown area by providing a community activity that fosters social gathering and interaction.

You the shopper are given the rare opportunity to interact with the person who grew or made the items on the table for purchase. You can ask questions. Where did it come from? How was it grown? How fresh is it based on how long it took to get to market?

Salem Farmers Market 2According to a survey conducted by Farmers Markets Today magazine, more than 85% of farmers market vendors traveled fewer than 50 miles to sell at a farmers market in 2008. In fact, more than half of farmers traveled less than 10 miles to their market, according to a 2006 USDA survey.

You are supporting local agriculture and producers by providing a direct market for their produce and goods. And believe it or not you are also bringing business to local merchants.

The Farmers Market Coalition reports that a 2010 study of the Easton Farmers Market in Pennsylvania, for example, found that 70% of farmers market customers are also shopping at downtown businesses, spending up to an extra $26,000 each week.

Therefore we invite you to come to Salem for our Farmers Market, and then stay to visit our diverse selection of shops, stores and restaurants.  (Photographs courtesy of Social Palates)

May 102014

School is in session this Saturday as Education Day breaks out all over Salem Ma. But it will be unlike anything you’ve seen before. Classes are in skin care, recycling, rope making, mixology, Farmers Market, photography and more.

Education DayThe Salem Education Foundation is presenting the “2nd Annual Hats Off to Education Weekend” as a way of promoting community involvement and investment in the public schools of Salem, Ma.

The schedule as posted by SEF includes:

Workshops and Fun Activities, at Old Town Hall, 10am – 3pm
・    The Community Development Coalition will host a bilingual scavenger hunt in Old Town Hall and visitors can take part in a session titled “Journey through the Immigrant Experience”
・    TD Bank will offer finance classes for teens and adults
・    John Andrews of Social Palates and “we_are_Salem” will offer a photography class
・    The House of The Seven Gables will offer bilingual “Dominican Tales”
・    Salem Historical Tours will speak about the city’s rich history
・    The North Shore Career Center will offer workshops on how to build a resume and find a job
・    Henry Miller’s Architecture Lab at Boston Architectural College will offer two hour long workshops on how to build a speaker for your handheld device. Space is limited for this workshop. Please register by emailing Henry.Miller@the-bac.edu
・    Additionally, children will have the opportunity to look at gemstones, learn about beekeeping, brush up on their Harry Potter facts, learn about the importance of recycling, healthy food and gardening and engage in arts activities

Free Community Read Book, Old Town Hall, 10am – 3pm
・    The Community Advisory Board will give away copies of “The Good Thief,” written by Hannah Tinti, a Salem native. This is the book selected for the city of Salem’s first Community Read.

Activities at the Salem Common will include:
・    The Hogwarts Hustle Kids’ Fun Run at 10:30am This is a half-mile fun run for kids age 12 and under. There will also be a dash for kids 4 and under. Kids are encouraged to dress as their favorite Harry Potter characters. Finisher ribbons will be awarded to the first 100 runners
・    12 noon Basketball Tournament! Email Andre at adaley@bgcgs.org
・    Adults and children alike can have a Zumba experience with the energetic Gina Grinarml
・    Learn circuit training with Kerry Murphy
・    Play in a basketball game with Mayor Kim Driscoll
・    Hula hoop and free dance to the rhythms of Mamadou’s drummers!

Performances, at Old Town Hall, 10am – 3pm
・    The Salem High School Jazz Band
・    Destination Imagination team Challenges
・    School-age Latin and African dancers from Greg Coles and his Salsa for the Schools program
・    A theater group and other local talents

The SEF mission is to provide funding for projects that further students’ educational experiences in science, mathematics, the arts and humanities. It supports projects that go beyond the scope of those funded by the Salem Public School Department. And it works with the larger community to make schools a true community enterprise by promoting and coordinating volunteerism and participation in the schools.

Learn something and have a lot of fun.

Mar 162014

Salem Ma Restaurant Week

Dining is always a special event in Salem Ma. We have so many fine and diverse eating establishments that you can easily eat out every night for a week and not consume the same foods. To prove that and to entice more fans, the Chamber of Commerce once again serves up Salem Restaurant Week.

Actually it is two weeks: Sunday-Thursday this week, and repeated next week March 23-27. A two-course prix-fixe dinner menu for $18, or a three-course prix-fixe dinner menu for $28, or both will be on the special menus from participating restaurants. (this does not include drinks, taxes or gratuities).
These well known dining destinations of the North Shore include:
62 Restaurant and Wine Bar, 62 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-0062
Adriatic Restaurant and Bar,155 Washington Street, Salem, MA – Bella Verona,107 Essex Street, Salem, MA – (978) 825-9911
Capt’s Waterfront Grill & Club, 94 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 741-0555
Finz Seafood & Grill, 76 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-0000
Flying Saucer Pizza Company, 118 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 594-8189
The Grapevine Restaurant, 26 Congress Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-9335
Longboards Cafe & Bar, 72 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-6659
Nathaniel’s at the Hawthorne Hotel, 18 Washington Square West, Salem, MA – (978) 825-4311
Naumkeag Ordinary, 118 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-4968
O’Neill’s Irish Pub, 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 740-8811
Opus, 87 Washington Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-9600
Regatta Pub at the Waterfront Hotel, 225 Derby Street, Salem, MA – (978) 740-8788
Rockafellas, 231 Essex Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-2411
Salem Beer Works, 278 Derby Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-2337
Tavern In The Square, 89 Washington Street Salem, MA – 978-740-2337
Thai Place, Museum Place Mall, Salem, MA – (978) 741-8008
Turner’s Seafood at Lyceum Hall, 43 Church Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-7665
Victoria Station, 86 Wharf Street, Salem, MA – (978) 745-3400
Village Tavern, 168 Essex Street, Salem, MA – (978) 744-2858

Reservations are not required but strongly suggested, as this is becoming a well-known event along the North Shore. Bon appetit!

Jan 212014

Creating jobs and revitalizing the city’s downtown and eligible neighborhoods is the focal point of the City of Salem’s Small Business Loan Program. Mayor Kimberley Driscoll has recently announced that the City is now accepting applications for financial assistance to small business owners and entrepreneurs through this program, which is funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant program.

The small business loan program has been very successful in helping new and growing businesses to thrive and continues to be an engine for job growth in Salem,” said Mayor Driscoll.

The program provides low-interest loans to qualified entrepreneurs to cover the gap between the amount of financing needed for an economic development project and the amount that conventional lenders can finance.

While there is no maximum amount, typical loans do not exceed $50,000. Applicants meet with the Economic Development staff prior to applying to determine an appropriate loan amount suitable for the program.


Funds are available for acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of real property and for financing related to the purchase of equipment, fixtures, inventory, leasehold improvements and working capital. Terms and conditions vary.

The city offers three types of loan assistance to eligible businesses and property owners—Microenterprise Assistance, Commercial Revitalization, and Special Economic Development:

  • Microenterprise Assistance – Microenterprise Assistance Loans benefit low- to moderate-income entrepreneurs by providing low-interest loans to foster their microenterprise business (5 or fewer full-time employees, including the owner).

  • Commercial Revitalization – Commercial Revitalization Loans assist eligible small business owners in Salem by providing low-interest loans for exterior improvements to their business and/or to help correct code violations.

  • Special Economic Development – Special Economic Development Loans assist eligible small business owners in Salem by providing low-interest loans in exchange for the creation and/or retention of jobs for low- and moderate-income persons.

Any business owner or property owner located in Salem may apply for the program. Commercial Revitalization Loans are only available to businesses located in certain areas. A business owner that is leasing space must have lease authority or obtain authorization from the building owner to make improvements to the property.

For an application and more information go to www.salem.com or pick up an application at the Department of Planning & Community Development, 120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor or call (978) 619-5685.

Jan 082014

Sweet deal coming up in Salem Ma! We don’t have to sugar coat this event. The next project that Salem Main Streets presents to the community is the Annual Salem So Sweet Chocolate & Ice Sculpture Festival.

Salem So SweetThis decadent tradition of delectable chocolate, sparkling ice sculptures, chocolate sampling and Valentine’s Day shopping draws crowds from near and far.

So much so that we want to invite local businesses to take advantage of opportunities to participate in the Salem So Sweet Chocolate & Ice Sculpture Festival; offer a promotion, sponsor an ice sculpture, or showcase food/wine at the kick-off event.

It may be cold outside but chocolate warms the heart and invites customers into stores as we head into the month of February.

  • Wine & Chocolate Tasting Kick-off Event: Friday, Feb. 7, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Colonial Hall at Rockafellas

  • Ice Sculptures around Town: Starting Feb. 8

  • Shopping Promotions, Events and The Golden Ticket Raffle: Feb. 8 – Feb. 16

  • and much more!

The application for participation  is due Friday, Jan. 10.

For more information or to participate, contact Kylie Sullivan at kylie@salemmainstreets.org or 978.744.0004 x15.
