Thank you to all the downtown businesses who supported this festival and made the 15 beautiful ice sculptures a reality. In case you missed the ice sculptures…

Ice Castle sponsored by Bernard's Jewelers, Pamplemousse, Salem Trolley, Samantha's Costumes, Signatures, Trolley Depot and Witch's Hide

Phoenix Rising From Flames sponsored by the Art Corner

Sports Logos sponsored by Tavern in the Square

Salem Witch sponsored by the Salem Witch Museum

Puff Away sponsored by Red Lion Smoke Shop

Max from Where the Wild Things Are sponsored by Cornerstone Books

Martini Glass which was actually supposed to be the Lyceum Dome sponsored by the Lyceum

Jazzin Up Ice sponsored by Rockafellas

Fashion Tiger sponsored by the Peabody Essex Museum

Eiffel Tower sponsored by Sophia's

Crystal Snowflake sponsored by Laura Lanes Skin Care

Dr. Zhivago sponsored by the Pickering Wharf Merchants Association

Cauldron sponsored by Bewitched in Salem, Essex N.Y. Deli and Pizzeria, Glass and Etc., Lotus Gifts, Marley Properties, Polonus Deli, Salem’s Vintage Photography, Thai Place and Witch Tee’s.