Sep 082013

September means many things to people along the North Shore, but  here in Salem it foretells the approach of October  and our month-long celebration of all things Halloween-related.

As Salem prepares for its busy October tourist season, residents are invited to help people who come to the Witch City that month make the most of their visit.

“Salem Main Streets is recruiting 60 – 80 volunteer ambassadors to staff the downtown information booth during October weekends and Halloween day itself; the booth is located at the Essex Street pedestrian mall,” announces Judy Kearney, co-coordinator (along with Mira Riggin) of the SMS booth project.  The ambassadors will hand out maps to tourists and provide them with information about Salem’s attractions, businesses and October events.

She adds, “There is also a particular need for multilingual ambassadors to assist international visitors.”

Each volunteer ambassador will be asked to commit to two, two-hour shifts and to complete a training program scheduled for 9:30am on September 21 at the National Park Service Regional Visitor Center, 2 New Liberty Street.

The downtown information booth operates each year in October and last year assisted more than 27,500 visitors.

For more information or to become a volunteer ambassador, email Judy Kearney at, Mira Riggin at, or call Salem Main Streets at 978 744-0004.

Aug 242013

Gifts are a token of affection, an expression of friendship, or a transfer of goods in business with no expectation of return. And gifts are also the theme of this year’s Salem Arts Association “PEM Inspirational” show, The Gift, Sept. 6-29. The subject this year is Peabody Essex Museum’s Fabergé Revealed exhibition.

This is the 7th year that SAA members and non members have been asked to create art derived from a PEM exhibit. Last year, the Salem Arts Association presented Off the Top of Your Head, inspired by the Peabody Essex Museum’s Hats: An Anthology of Stephen Jones. Visitors were delighted with over 45 pieces, some of which included real milliner’s hats!

The GiftThis year the questions posed to artists were:

What is the definition of a gift?
What is the meaning of a gift?
Could artists create a “gift” with interpretations in various media.

No doubt there will be plenty of inspiration from which to draw.

At the Peabody Essex Museum’s Fabergé Revealed show, you will see some amazing gifts there that were created for the aristocracy. Fabergé is synonymous with refined craftsmanship, jeweled luxury and the Russian imperial family. This exhibition explores the ideas of luxury, innovation, entrepreneurship and imperial patronage while providing insight into Peter Carl Fabergé’s life, business and legacy.

The Peabody Essex Museum will share (as a gift) its 181 Essex Street space to SAA for this exhibition. The curator of Fabergé Revealed, Dean Lahikainen, the Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of American Decorative Art for the Peabody Essex Museum, will judge the 7th “PEM Inspirational” show.

Viewings will be Thurs- Sun. from noon-6pm. For more details, visit or contact: 978-745-4850.

Mar 032013

First Friday last week was a success, and the activity doesn’t end for March. It is only beginning!  The 6th annual all-documentary Salem Film Fest will be held March 7 – March 14 at CinemaSalem (with a few presentations at the Peabody Essex Museum, see full list below).

This is the largest All-Documentary Festival in New England, representing 32 feature length films. And— two-thirds of filmmakers plan to not only attend but also engage in post-screening dialogues.

This year’s fest kicks off at the Peabody Essex Museum with the world premiere of  THE GHOST ARMY about a top-secret WWII unit that used inflatable tanks, sound trucks and other clever tactics to impersonate U.S. Army units and deceive Hitler’s legions. Q&A with Lexington filmmaker Rick Beyer and local heroes who served during WWII will follow.

The Salem Film Fest is also proud to host the much-anticipated Salem premiere of WEST OF MEMPHIS that tells the story of Salem resident Damien Echols desperate and extraordinary fight to escape death row. Echols will be on hand for what is sure to be a powerful Q&A.

Salem Film Fest was founded in 2008 by filmmaker Joe Cultrera (HAND OF GOD), local businessman Paul Van Ness (CinemaSalem, Van Ness Creative), the Executive Director of Salem Chamber of Commerce Rinus Oosthoek and others from the community. Run and operated entirely by volunteers, the weeklong festival’s attendance has grown 20 to 25 percent each year.(Mike Otis photo)

For more information about Salem Film Fest including ticket purchase information (some showings may be sold out already) visit, follow Salem Film Fest on Facebook ( and Twitter (@SalemFilmFest).

Screening Locations:
CinemaSalem, 1 India Square Mall, 978-744-1400
Peabody Essex Museum, East India Square (161 Essex Street), 978-745-9500

Screening Schedule:
Thursday, 3/7/13
7:00PM The Ghost Army, Peabody Essex Museum

Friday, 3/8/13
5:00PM Bay of All Saints, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
6:00PM Buzkashi!, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
6:45PM Scarlet Road, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
8:20PM Water Children, Screening Room CinemaSalem
8:30PM West of Memphis, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
10:00PM Radio Unnameable, Screening Room, CinemaSalem

Saturday, 3/9/13
10:00AM Trash Dance, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
10:30AM The Fade, Screening Room, Cinema Salem
12:00PM The Missing Piece: The Truth About The Man Who Stole The Mona Lisa, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
12:30PM Bay of All Saints, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
1:00PM In No Great Hurry – 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter, Peabody Essex Museum
2:30PM Zipper: Coney Island’s Last Wild Ride, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
2:30PM Scarlet Road, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
3:30PM The World’s Most Fashionable Prison, Peabody Essex Museum
4:45PM Mr. Cao Goes to Washington, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
5:15PM Radio Unnameable, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
5:30PM The World Before Her, Peabody Essex Museum
7:15PM The Fade, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
7:15PM The Big Easy Express, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
7:30PM Poetry of Resilience, Peabody Essex Museum
9:15PM Welcome To The Machine, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
9:45PM Water Children, Screening Room, CinemaSalem

Sunday, 3/10/13
10:00AM Town of Runners, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
10:30AM Radio Unnameable, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
12:15PM Sneak Peek, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
12:45PM Scarlet Road, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
1:00PM Kind Hearted Woman, Peabody Essex Museum
2:30PM Charles Bradley: Soul of America, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
2:45PM The Fade, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
4:00PM FRONTLINE Forum, Peabody Essex Museum
4:45PM Dreams of a Life, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
5:00PM Water Children, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
7:15PM Bay Of All Saints, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
7:20PM Women With Cows, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
7:30PM Poetry of Resilience, Peabody Essex Museum

Monday, 3/11/13 6:00PM Seeking Asian Female, Main Theater, CinemaSalem

Radio Unnameable, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
8:00PM Scarlet Road, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
8:30PM Where Heaven Meets Hell, CinemaSalem

Tuesday, 3/12/13
6:00PM La Camioneta, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
6:30PM Bay Of All Saints, Screening Room, CinemaSalem
8:15PM Call Me Kuchu, Main Theater, CinemaSalem
8:15PM Water Children, Screening Room, CinemaSalem

Dec 152012

Happy Holidays from Salem Main Streets Director, Jennifer Bell

Thank you to the many volunteers and members of the Salem Community who have been so supportive of the Salem Main Streets program and my efforts for the last five plus years. Together we took a dormant Main Streets program and seasonal town and developed thriving programs which are enjoyed by thousands; the Salem Farmers’ Market, Salem Arts Festival,Visitor Ambassador Program in October, Salem First Fridays and more. Salem has become the Dining Destination on the North Shore and over 80 new businesses have opened in the downtown in those five years. Main Streets took over the management of the Salem’s So Sweet Chocolate and Ice Sculpture Festival, Salem’s Ice Scream Bowl, Mayor’s Night Out, Holiday Happenings and we supported the efforts of new events such as the Salem Film Festival, Salem Literary Festival, Mass Poetry Festival, and Living Green and Renewable Energy Fair which have grown into popular events. We started the reusable tote bag program “In Salem, Green is the New Black” and helped make Salem a greener city with the support of the Downtown Business community.

These programs were only possible through thousands of hours of volunteer time each year donated to Salem Main Streets by hundreds of volunteers and support by the City of Salem, and community partners like the Salem Chamber of Commerce. Salem should be proud of the spirit of volunteerism and can do attitude that prevails. No project is too big, too new to begin. Salem is a unique place which celebrates its history while embracing the present and looking towards the future.

My family and I have enjoyed living in Salem and being able to contribute to the Salem Community. Thank you to the many people who have shared their time and talents to make a difference especially: Matt Caruso, Gary Gill, Judy Kearney, Jeanne Scott, Ben Bouchard, Anthony Scialis, Wendy Davidson, Tom Daniel, Ellen Talkowsky, Ron Malionek, Ann Massey, Cheryl Michaels, Marlene Faust, Alex Southerland, Beth Paquin, Kristin Rogers, Jim Vaughey, Aaron Martin, Christian Haselgrove, Cheryl Michaels, Kelly O’Connor, Dan Faust, Dan Rogers, Gina Flynn, Phil Dwight, Stacey Pappas and too many others to name. 

I wish you all success and great happiness!

Nov 272012

If you missed the Holiday Tree Lighting Friday night there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy the beautiful tree which graces Lappin Park now through the end of December.

This week enjoy shopping at the Salem Winter Farmers’ Market Thursday, November 29 from 3 – 6 p.m. in Old Town Hall. Shop for fresh fruits, vegetables and other speciality food items as well as beautiful holiday greenery. For full details visit

This weekend is the popular HSI Christmas in Salem Historic Homes Tour. The Salem Willows historic homes will be featured and the Salem Trolley will shuttle people to and from the downtown. For full details visit

The Salem Trolley is offering their annual Trolley Christmas Carol now through December 23 details at Saturdayalso  enjoy a Chocolate Fountain at Maria’s Sweet Somethings and a Hat Making Workshop at the Peabody Essex Museum. On Sunday, enjoy an open house at Ye Olde Pepper Companie.

The House of the Seven Gables will also be offering Christmas Tours at the Gables December 1 – 30

Don’t forget to START your holiday shopping Downtown Salem this weekend. Shopping Local Matters!
