Sep 142014

Salem Spice FestivalWhat can we tell you that has not been said previously? Salem thy name is diversity. Yes, we are world-famous for our month-long Haunted Happenings festival of events for Halloween. But on any weekend day, there is much more than monsters and mayhem. For example, on Sunday you can check out three special events spotlighting spice, steampunk and cars

Spice, as you may or may not know played a major role in Salem’s early seafaring history and it revisits our city this weekend for the Salem Spice Festival 2014 at Pioneer Village.

Spices, herbs and teas will be explored in culinary and medicinal usage to spotlight Salem’s long and fascinating history with exotic spices from around the world.

As always with most festivals in Salem, there will be arts and crafts, food, demonstrations, live music, lectures, workshops and storytelling featured as well. Salem Food Tours had a very nice photo essay of yesterday’s activities on their Facebook page.

This is a ticket free event (but they won’t turn away a donation). For more info on Pioneer Village at Forest River Park call 978-744-8815 or write to .

Photo courtesy Social Palates

Photo courtesy Social Palates

Steampunk is a grand perception of the future from a point in the Victorian past; science fiction dealing with 19th-century societies dominated by historical or imagined steam-powered technology. But the concept jumped off the written page to become a style of life for followers. It influences their art, fashion, music, jewelry and so forth.

The Salem Arts Association  is showcasing “Gears, Grit and Gaslights: Steampunk in Salem,” a juried art show running now through to Sept. 28th on Artists Row, New Derby St.

Special juror for this show will be Victorian Lady Lisa, known locally and nationally for her Cape Ann cable TV show, All things Victorian and her book, International Steampunk Fashions. She is currently writing a second book on Victorian/Edwardian fashion. A third book, with steampunk designer/model phenom Karo, is also being planned.

Cars— fast ones, pretty ones, and perhaps a strange one or two will be parked along the Essex St Pedestrian Mall walkway on Sunday for your visual delight. The Village Tavern will be hosting its 1st Annual Antique Auto Show, featuring North Shore Old Car Club members displaying “styling” antique cars.

From noon to 5 pm you can look under the hood (sorry, no kicking of tires) and chat with owners who love their antique cars. There will be live music by the Olde Village Fountain and all proceeds raised will be donated to the Salem Veteran’s Services.

See, Salem is not just a bunch of hocus pocus…

Sep 082014

Poe in PersonWhile Nathaniel Hawthorne’s writings were well known to be tied to Salem, literary contemporary Edgar Allan Poe also had a connection. It appears that “A Tell-Tale Heart” might have been based on the grisly murder of Capt. Joseph White in 1830 Salem. And in the midst of our Haunted Halloween Happenings next month there will be interactive events fostered by The Scarlet Letter Press & Gallery  to honor Mr. Poe.

The first is “Spirits of the Dead” an art show “inspired” by Edgar Allan Poe. The store is seeking Poe-inspired artwork for a Sept. 27 – Nov. 2 gallery show. Deadline for submissions is Sept. 12th.

The gallery at The Scarlet Letter Press will be transformed into a somber state of decay as the worn pages of Edgar Allan Poe’s grim stories are represented in visual artwork. A month-long show featuring artists from around the United States will hang in honor of the late horror master. All artwork is for sale including original paintings, assemblage, jewelry, prints, candles, postcards and much more. The ensemble “1476” has written and produced an original score for the art show which will also be available for sale.

According to the Facebook page “We have accepted a lot of 2D artwork, but would love to see items that are 3D, i.e. jewelry, vintage items, books, clothing, etc.”

The Scarlet Letter Press is also participating in a national month of recognition to support the city of Boston’s installation of its life-sized Poe bronze on Oct. 5th. The Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston had sought to honor Poe in the city where he was born on January 19, 1809.
 The installation will be in Poe Square (intersection of Boylston Street and Charles Street South) which was dedicated to the author in 2009.

The store suggests you might absorb some inspiration from the sculpture by Stefanie Rocknak at

But to mis-quote the Raven– there is more. There will be an intimate, one-night only experience Oct. 18th from 7:30 – 9:30 pm at Finz restaurant, with the dearly departed Edgar Allan Poe who returns to Salem for an appearance that should not be missed. Amongst macabre music and exquisite morsels and your choice of tantalizing cocktails, Mr. Poe performs dramatic readings of “The Raven” and the earlier mentioned “A Tell-Tale Heart.”

He will also discuss his life and the lasting impact of his work with audience interaction. Each guest receives an exclusive item commemorating the experience. And—- period costumes are welcome!

Another guest speaker, Victoria Price had been planned for Oct. 20th, but details have not been finalized at this point in the schedule.

Tickets will most likely sell quickly, for more information on any of these events, contact The Scarlet Letter Press at 978 -741-1850.

Aug 252014

Friendship SalemWho would think, looking at the replica of The Friendship at dock on Derby Wharf that it could be related to a murder mystery?

Dinner theatre with a twist is on tap for guests at this Tuesday’s special 7pm production of Murder Mystery at Opus Restaurant, presented by the Salem Theatre Company, in conjunction with Creative Salem.

It’s 1830. Joseph Peabody’s ship The Friendship has been attacked in the East Indies. Only four survivors return. You are on board the boat with the reprisal mission, comprised of Pirates, Rapscallions and Rascals.

The play asks “Who can you trust? Who can you not trust? What really is behind that eyepatch….?”

If you’ve never attended a mystery dinner theater the key is audience participation. Usually there is no stage; the actors move all around so you can see and hear from all seats.

In this particular production “What people are trying to solve is a murder of the brutal (and fictional) ‘Captain Jan Overy’ of The Friendship,” states Matthew Gray, director.

There was an actual incident involving a ship called The Friendship being attacked in 1831.

“Our scenario may be historically based, but is only hysterically realized. While some local references have been made, this is not a historically referential event,” explains Gray.

And in addition to the entertainment, and the food (it is dinner theatre), there is also a prize to the person solving the mystery.

Gray adds, “There is indeed a prize for the winner… A MYSTERY prize!”

This evening of thrills, chills, laughs and mystery is part of the continuing effort by Creative Salem to showcase more than just local bands. The goal is to optimize the nightlife space with diversity, drive and creativity.

Salem has that certain something that we feel makes us a tad bit different than other “theme” destinations. Here you don’t just look, you can also reach out and touch. We are interactive.

For more information on tickets go to the STC website or call 978-790-8546. The Opus is located at 87 Washington Street in Salem. (Food and drink are not included in the ticket price). Opus contact number is 978-744-9600.

Food and Drink are not included in the ticket price however full menu will be available before the performance – See more at:
Food and Drink are not included in the ticket price however full menu will be available before the performance – See more at:
Food and Drink are not included in the ticket price however full menu will be available before the performance – See more at:
Aug 182014

Museums are neither boring, nor dreary, nor dark places! At least not the one in the downtown district of Salem, MA. Our very own Peabody Essex Museum is big, bright, and very community oriented. Admission is always free of charge to Salem residents (with ID) and members; it is also free Tuesday-Friday 10am – 5pm for people who work in Salem (with pay stub or other proof) but live elsewhere. Fees for non-members: adults $18, seniors $15, students (with ID) $10, youth (16 and under) free.

Take this week for example. On the 3rd Thursday of every month, the PEM invites the community to come in after hours for a late night fun-themed party. Yes, we said a party in the museum. Throwback Games Night set for this Thursday from 6-9pm will present hands-on interaction with electronic and board games of the 70s and 80s.

Some samples from the shelves of Mud Puddle Toys

Some samples from the shelves of Mud Puddle Toys

Among the games scheduled: (some of which you can actually see on the shelves of Mud Puddle Toys in downtown Salem)

  • Twister
  • Rubicks Cube
  • Uno
  • Pick up Sticks
  • Ouija Board
  • Atari
  • Operation
  • Perfection
  • Sorry!
  • Trouble
  • Payday
  • Arcade Legends
  • Ms. Pac Man/Galaga
  • Air Hockey
  • “Giant” Mouse Trap

These will be available to be looked at, touched, read about, discussed— and played!

And since it would be rude of a host to not provide refreshments, the museum will have (in keeping with the theme of games and quick munchies) mac & cheese, Rice Krispies, Yoo Hoo, and a few other treats.

Cocktails and conversation, art making and music, culinary demonstrations and surprising experiences add up to great night out whether you are a resident or visitor looking to extend a day trip into an evening. And for this special PEM/PM event, non-members pay only $10 admission.

Have further questions? More details available at PEM website or by calling 978-745-9500.

Aug 082014
Essex Street Fair 2013 - Photo Credit Social Palates

Essex Street Fair 2013 – Photo Credit Social Palates

Salem has many interesting sights and locations to serve and service our community. One that offers many uses is the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall. And especially so Aug. 9 & 10 when the 2014 Essex Street Fair will unfold from 10 am – 6 pm.

Regularly lined with stores and merchants offering delights to visitors and residents, this weekend our Essex Street Pedestrian Mall will be bright and musical and loud with the life of an annual Street Fair, sponsored by the Salem Chamber of Commerce.

What will you see? Crafters displaying their wares. What will you smell? Food vendors with tasty treats. What will you hear? Artisans discussing their methods.

The is a family friendly event, bring the kids. You will find something for everyone. Even possibly for Samantha the cat and Duke the dog!

This free event will run the length of Essex St. from the Daniel Low Building (Essex and Washington St.) to the Hawthorne Hotel (Essex and Washington Sq W.) The events are part of the Salem Heritage Days festivities.
