Oct 062013

Biz Baz HatsBargains were there for the taking at the featured event this weekend, The Haunted Biz Baz. The Salem Chamber of Commerce produced a lively market atmosphere that motivated visitors and residents to move from one booth to another, charmed and delighted.

There were also plenty of activites for children during daytime hours such as the Salem Common Family Fun Day or The Big Draw at Peabody Essex Museum.

Adults faced their fears at night at The Terrifying Haunted House, Terror at the Village, and some terrifying Tales at the Witch House.

Biz Baz 10-5 PM2

Or you could just take a break from it all. The Salem Theatre Company is presenting “The Crucible,” while Gordon College/History Alive is offering “Goodnight, Captain White.”

Our Info Booth volunteers helped nearly 2000 people this weekend. Check our calendar for events during the week, and mark your date books to join us next weekend when we do it all over again.

Oct 042013

BizBaz…. ZabZib….. Forward and backward, it’s an annual event that for many a visitor and resident alike is as much anticipated as the entire Haunted Happenings celebration. Where else can you walk through Salem Ma. to see booth after booth after booth of vendor after vendor after vendor?

Biz BazThis weekend, The Salem Chamber of Commerce will be hosting this Bizarre Bazaar (hence BizBaz) which showcases more than 80 vendors selling products that range from handmade jewelry and art, to uniquely Salem gifts. You can shop on Saturday from 10am to 8pm and on Sunday from 10am to 6pm .

Just walk along the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall and you can’t miss the sights and sounds of intriguing delights for children and adults.

This year’s event is also driven by a special appearance (full disclosure and product placement)  by Toyota that benefits Salem Main Streets. For each test-drive taken, Toyota’s Drive for a Cause campaign will make a donation to support Salem Main Streets.

Toyota CamryWe are not trying to sell cars, although we do strongly suggest test drives, but if you’ve been thinking about buying a new vehicle, this is your chance to get behind the wheel of a Camry, Rav4, Prius c, and Prius for an extended test drive experience. With all the wild things going on at BizBaz this has got to rank as a low or no-pressure environment.

The Toyota Let’s Go For A Drive event will take place on Hawthorne Boulevard (just south of the Hawthorne Hotel) on both Saturday and Sunday.

Oct 012013

Before the Halloween celebration is ravaged by the hordes of grown-ups and the wild costumes, we in Salem make sure the children get their day in the sun (so to speak…).

The Haunted Happenings Grand Parade. If you know anything about Salem Ma and our month-long Haunted Happenings celebration, you have heard of this march around town.

Grand ParadeThis year step off is at 6:30pm on Oct. 3; it begins at Shetland Park, ambles through Salem, and ends at the Common. The theme is “Books Come Alive.” Most any resident in Salem can tell you they were either a parent, relative or neighbor of some child  who marched in the parade— or they were in the parade themselves.

According to Rinus Oosthoek, Executive Director, Salem Chamber of Commerce, “It is a night-time tradition that brings out the entire city and people from all of the surrounding cities and towns to kick off the Halloween season. It is filled with color, pageantry, music and the enthusiasm of thousands of Salem’s students from kindergarten to college age and local business owners.”

To mount such an undertaking, though, The Chamber of Commerce is still looking for volunteers to help.

Volunteers will be helping with:

  • Helping participants find their spot in the parade
  • Lining up the 8 parade line-up sections
  • Finding banner carriers in their section (or walking/carrying the banner in the parade themselves).
  • All volunteers can join the VIP’s at the end of the Parade on the Grandstand in front of the Common.

It’s fun and we call the event “organized chaos” from start to finish…., and we hope you can help.

Volunteers should be at the entrance to Shetland Office park between 5-5.30pm to receive their assignment and pick up their volunteer T-shirt.

Contact the Chamber at info@salem-chamber.org or call 978-745-3855.

If that wasn’t enough, Friday night, Oct. 4,  there are two more events in which the little ones can participate.

Mayor2The Mayor’s Night Out (3-10pm) is when Mayor Kimberly Driscoll, in partnership with Salem’s attractions and museums, welcomes Salem residents to check us out on our dime. Salem residents  (kids too) with ID, are admitted free to attractions and museums. ID also provides free parking in the East India Mall garage after 4pm. Look for “Mayor’s Night Out” signs at participating businesses.

Our mayor is a busy person…. you can Join Mayor Driscoll for Trick-or-Treating at the East India Fountain. We will Trick-or-Treat along the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall, The Museum Place Mall Shops, and beyond. Trick-or-Treat Bags provided. Costumes encouraged. Parents bring the kids. Kids bring your parents.

For more information on these two events, call Salem City Hall at 978-745-9595.

Sep 152013

Salem MainStreets has always known that Haunted Happenings is an event worthy of national recognition. Now others not only know it, they are spreading the word. The American Bus Association (ABA) has announced that our month-long celebration is one of the Top 100 Events in North America for 2014 

ABA’s Top 100 Events in North America is an annual compendium of the best events for group travel in the United States and Canada. Each spring, a committee of ABA-member motorcoach and tour operators selects the Top 100 Events for the subsequent year; the list is unveiled in September. Winners are chosen from hundreds of celebrations, festivals, fairs, commemorative events, and more that have been nominated by ABA members.

Bus“The attractiveness of Salem Haunted Happenings as a don’t-miss entertainment value is only part of why its selection this year is such a distinction for Salem,” said Peter J. Pantuso, CTIS, ABA’s president and CEO. “The real news here is that Haunted Happenings has been recognized as a potential magnet for tourism dollars, at a time when re-energizing domestic tourism is so important to our spirit and our economy. The honor gives Salem, Massachusetts an important boost in visibility among professional tour planners.”

The Top 100 Events receive worldwide attention via the media–television, radio, and print–such as USA Today and CNN. ABA distributes some 10,000 copies of the Top 100 Events in North America magazine, featuring the winners, to all of its members and to thousands of travelers worldwide.

“Motorcoach groups spend more and stay longer,” Pantuso said. “That’s why Haunted Happenings is truly a local economic asset. There is no better way to jump-start tourism than to attract motorcoach groups to a great event and convince them to extend their stay.”

And unlike most other “celebrations, festivals, fairs, commemorative events,” ours is neither a one nor two day event; it is 31 days & nights filled with music, art, history, entertainment, costumes and magical moments.

Check out the several spots Salem Ma has designated for motorcoaches. Then, women & men, leave the driving to them.

Sep 102013

Raised mugs will be the order of the day at Salem’s Old Town Hall this Saturday, 9/14/13 from 7-11pm as Pamplemousse and Social Palates are joining forces to host the third annual Salem Ma Oktoberfest.

The German-themed event will feature beer from local breweries as well as traditional fare from Salem businesses including Polonus Deli, the Flying Saucer Pizza Company and the Lobster Shanty. A continuous line up of entertainment includes local acts The Nick Consone Band, Qwill, and Freevolt.

Oktoberfest Salem MA (photo courtesy Social Palates)

“Everyone had such a good time last year, there were games, contests and many showed up in traditional costume,” says Pamplemousse’s Diane Manahan. “We knew right away that this would become an annual tradition.”

Featured highlights for this year will be the Bratwurst eating contest, the Apple Challenge, Kazoo-kioki, and the German costume contest with prizes in each category. The host this year is Erik Rodenheiser of the Griffin Theater as Olga, the Angry German Beer Wench.

All proceeds will benefit the Salem YMCA. Last year’s event raised over $5,000 to support the Y for All Campaign.

Manahan adds that “Local politicians are donating their time and dressing up in traditional German costumes to help with the cause. Look for State Senator Joan Lovely, Councillor at Large William Legault, Councillors Josh Turiel and Tom Furey as well as David Eppley and Beth Gerard who are running for Ward 4 and 6.”

Tickets are $20 per person (21 and older, please) and include admission, German hats and kazoos, a souvenir mug. Beer from Blue Hills Brewing, Narragansett, Cody Brewing and Notch will be available for $2 and $3 as well as German wine. A variety of German faire will be available for purchase.Tickets can be purchased at Pamplemousse, Salem Cycle, The YMCA (all located in downtown Salem) and at the door. This event has been sold out each of the past 2 years, so get your tickets early!

