Winners will be announced Friday, December 12 at noon at Derby Square!
With over 30 businesses competing in downtown Salem for the distinction of Most Original, Most Whimsical and Viewers’ Choice Window the competition is fierce. Below are a few samples of the windows around downtown Salem. To see them all you will need to come downtown.
To get the full effect view the windows at night as well as during the day.

The Cat N The Fiddle Uniques
Winners will be announced at noon on Friday, December 12 on Derby Square. The categories are Most Original, Most Whimsical and Viewer’s Choice. Most Whimsical and Most Original winners are chosen by the SMS Design Committee. Viewer’s Choice is decided by people who cast their ballots at participating businesses. The ballots are all entered into a contest to win a holiday stocking. The winner of the holiday stocking will also be announced at Derby Square on Friday, December 12.

Peabody Essex Museum Shop Window