The winners are…
For Most Original – J. Mode at 17 Front Street

J. Mode - winner for Most Original Window

J. Mode Single Window
For Most Whimsical – Penelope’s Pet Boutique at 99 Washington Street

Penelope's Pet Boutique - Most Whimsical Window Winner

Penelope's Pet Boutique Window II
Viewer’s Choice – Turtle Alley in the Museum Place Mall

Turtle Alley - Viewers' Choice Winner

Hand Painted Images on Turtle Alley Window
Honorable Mention Most Original: Chulamama

Most Original Honorable Mention - Chulamama
Honorable Mention Most Whimsical – Fool’s Mansion

Most Whimsical Honorable Mention - Fool's Mansion
The Holiday Stocking winner is…Lydia White of Salem
Anyone who voted in the window display contest for the Viewer’s Choice window was entered in a contest to win the Holiday Stocking. We received over 600 entries. The stocking was donated by Signatures and includes: Bioelements skin care products from Laura Lanes, Chocolates from Turtle Alley, a gift certificate from Bewitched in Salem for a psychic reading, a vanishing Civil Liberties mug from Trolley Depot, a gift certificate and hot chocolate from Signatures, a zip up sweatshirt from Coon’s and a baseball cap and leash from Penelope’s.

Holiday Stocking Prize
The Categories for Most Whimsical and Most Original were chosen by Salem Main Streets Design Committee Members: Committee Chair Gina Flynn of Eastern Bank, Shirley Walker of the Salem Beautification Committee, Bill Yuhas, architect and Doug Hopper, architect.