Harvest time is almost here, June 13 to October 24. For you. Get ready to reap the benefits of living within an active Farmers’ Market community in Salem Ma. where producers sell their locally grown and produced items direct to you. No middle person.
Let your senses be your guide. You can see, touch, and smell all the fruits and vegetables. Soon enough you will hear the sounds of delight from your family as they taste what you bring home from the Salem Farmers’ Market.
This year along with the returning favorite vendors, there will be a crop of new ones. And that means more adventures as you take advantage of the opportunity to interact with them.
“Our goal is to promote regional agriculture while enhancing the quality of life in the downtown Salem area by providing a community activity that fosters social gathering and interaction,” states Matt Caruso, acting manager of Salem Main Streets, the organization which sponsors the Farmers’ Market in the open-air Derby Square.
For a full list of vendors and links to their contact sites, go to www.salemfarmersmarket.org/vendors or www.facebook.com/SalemMAFarmersMarket.