
Mar 022011

Salem Farmers’ Market is a proud sponsor of Grown in Detroit  at the Salem Film Festival March 4 – 11, 2011 The movie will be shown at the National Park Service on New Liberty and Essex St. Saturday, March 5 at 1:30 pm and at Cinema Salem Tuesday, Mar 8 at 5:15 pm. Learn more about urban farming and be inspired.

This is the film’s New England Premier. The Film has previously been awareded; Best Documentary – Austin Film Festival; Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival; Sarasota Film Festival; International Millenium Festival, Brussels

“Detroit has earned its notorious title as one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. Where residents once had major supermarkets and affordable, healthy dining, now liquor stores sell groceries from behind bullet-proof glass and fast food restaurants are rampant. Amidst all this negativity the city and its residents are emerging with their own solution. Nature has taken over and the city is ‘greening’ from within – more than one third of the city has become green again.  GROWN IN DETROIT focuses on the urban gardening efforts managed by a public school of 300, mainly African-American, pregnant and parenting teenagers. As part of the curriculum, the girls are taught agricultural skills on the school’s own farm. The young mothers are learning by farming to become more independent women and knowledgeable about the importance of nutritional foods. “Back to the roots”, a simple yet effective solution for a city that has to start all over again and perhaps a lesson to be learned for the rest of the world.”
Feb 282011

Join the Salem Film Fest Committee and others Thursday, March 3 at 5:30 for the Film Festival’s VIP kick off reception at the National Park Service Visitor Center at the corner of Essex St. and New Liberty St. This FREE event is sponsored by the Salem Chamber of Commerce. After the reception, at 7 p.m. the Peabody Essex Museum will be showing Bill Cunningham New York, a film about a New York Times Sunday Style Section photographer. There will also be an awards ceremony at  Cinema Salem for the Five Minute Student Film Contest. For details about more festival events or the schedule of films visit

Feb 262011

Salem Film Fest March 4 – 11 – An International Documentary Film Festival right in your own backyard. You’ve heard the buzz now here are some of the details… This festival is being held in Cinema Salem, downtown Salem in the museum place mall with select screenings at the NPS Visitor Center and the Peabody Essex Museum. In this festival you can visit Cape Town, Northern India, Detroit, Russia, Pakistan, Brooklyn and Tibet to name just a few locations where the films take place. The films explore diverse experiences from naked Finnish men’s in sauna’s to Clarence Reid aka Blowfly who claims to be the original rapper. The films offer a glimpse into the lives of violent terrorists, teens farming in Detroit, American Indians, Columbian children abducted as soldiers and so many others.  Mark your calendar now and visit to plan your week.

Follow this link to see the promotional video about the festival –

Feb 242011

…getting rave reviews. People all over Salem are taking notice of the new logo for Destination Salem and the new slogan – Still Making History.  This logo highlights Salem’s long rich history and continued sucesses as well as the witch trials we are most known for and the maritime history which has been so important in Salem’s past and with the ferry and cuise port projects – our future.

Feb 232011

An Evening with Artists and Authors on Thursday, February 24 in the Grand Ballroom of the Hawthorne Hotel. From 5pm-9pm, the hotel will showcase some of the area’s most talented artists and authors, both new and established, while local orchestra Special Edition provides musical entertainment.

This event is free and open to the public. Some of the artists available to meet and greet you and who will have their work on display include: Ellen Hardy, Wendy Snow-Lang, Charles Lang, Elaine Snow, Ziggy Hartfelder, Nancy Barnes, Dan Browne, Jack Walsh, Sharon Billings and Karen Hallion. Authors include: Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin, Matthew Fraser, Kristie Poehler, and the North Shore Writers Group. Salem poet, Claire Keyes will be doing a poetry reading. Books and art work will be for sale.  For more information call 978-825-4361.