SMS Community Book Club

In What I Found in a Thousand Towns, American singer-songwriter Dar Williams examines why some towns flourish while others fail, eviscerated by the forces of globalization and Walmart-ization. She explores elements as diverse as the local significance of history and nature to the uniting nature of public spaces and food.
Salem Main Streets kicked off 2020 by leading our first community book club, using Williams’ book to examine the concept of positive proximity and how these different forces shape downtown Salem, as well as our individual roles in creating potential in our own community. Save the dates for these upcoming discussions.
Sunday, Jan. 26, 3:30 pm – “Spaces” (Chapters 1, 2, & 3) – Notch Brewing, 283R Derby Street
Sunday, Feb. 9, 3:30 pm – “Identity Building” (Chapters 4, 5, & 6) – The Friendship of Salem
** Note: Books can always be special ordered downtown at Wicked Good Books at 215 Essex Street, Salem, MA.