Thank you to everyone who braved the gray and eventually rainy weather to make Salem’s Ice Scream Bowl Tuesday night a success. Salem Main Streets greatly appreciates the kind donation and assistance of Ben & Jerry’s, Captain Dusty’s, Cherry Farm Creamery, Crosby’s Market, DownRiver Ice Cream, Hobbs, Maria’s Sweet Somethings, Mix 104.1, Rita’s, Salem Chamber of Commerce, Seaport Cafe, Scoops, numerous volunteers, intern Joao
Goncalves and the City of Salem. Over 1,200 people attended the ice cream event making it a successful fundraising event for Salem Main Streets. There were many delicious samples of different types of ice cream, face painting and music by DJ Doug. To volunteer or get involved with planning upcoming SMS events contact Jennifer at or (978)744-0004. There are many
more great Heritage Week events coming up including the Salem Chamber of Commerce Essex Street Fair August 13 & 14. Visit for a complete schedule.
Aug 102011