Jul 192012

Today at the Salem Farmer’s Market enjoy a cooking demonstration by Cilantro and music by Jeff Buckridge. Today’s Market Sponsor will be Salem Five Bank so be sure to stop by their table and pick up some information.

Then after the Market head over to the Peabody Essex Museum for the Evening Party Series, Unconventional Gatherings for Creative Minds.

Members and Salem residents $5, nonmembers $7
Thursday, July 19, 2012 from 6:30pm – 9:30pm
No reservations required
Location: Peabody Essex Museum
Enjoy street performers, “street food” demonstrated by Scratch Kitchen, yarn bombing with with artists from Seed Stitch Fine Yarn, stenciling, graffiti and other techniques.  Drop into a discussion of “Art and the City” or, listen to music by Stephen Baird and see the acclaimed Banksy film Exit Through the Gift Shop.

Jul 052012

Don’t miss the Salem Farmers’ Market today. There will be lots of delicious fresh vegetables, lobster, bread and other items at the market.  This week at the Market enjoy music by Will Faust! The sponsor will be Next Step Living. For more information please visit www.salemfarmersmarket.org or find us on Facebook!

Jul 012012

Salem July 4th activities:

At 9 a.m. join Mayor Kimberley Driscoll on Salem Common for the reading of the Declaration of Independence, read by Neil Chayet. Followed by the singing of the National Anthem by Salem High School’s a cappella group, Witch Pitch.

At 4 p.m. the festivities begin at the Salem Maritime Historic Site on Derby Wharf kick off. There will also be a Kids’ Space with free face painting, games, crafts, contests and prizes.

4:00 Music by Julie Dougherty and Friends

5:30 Music by Britannica 

7:15 Opening Ceremonies – Music by the Hillyer Festival Orchestra and U.S. Military Flyover 

9:15  Fireworks Extravaganza!

For more information visit www.Salem.com

Jun 302012

Preparing for the festival…

Queen Gigi of Salem and her court…

On bikes and in trolleys…

Downtown businesses showed their support…

There was a great turnout for a great new Salem event!

 Posted by at 3:08 pm