June 5 - 7, 2009
You are invited to The Salem Arts Festival Kick-Off Celebration Reception – Friday, June 5 in Old Town Hall between Essex and Front Streets starting at 5:30 p.m.
View exceptional art work by local artists while enjoying performances by local musicians and dancers. From jazz music to modern dance to opera this is one kick-off celebration you won’t want to miss.
Go to www.salemartsfestival.com for the full festival program.
The Salem Arts Festival is family friendly and will showcase talented, top rate singers, musicians, dancers and artists, in an interactive environment; a juried art exhibition, a talent show, open mike poetry readings, and activities for children as part of music, dance and art presentations.
Schedule – Friday, June 5
5:30 – 7 p.m. SAF Opening Reception – Juried Art Exhibition on first Floor of OTH including work by Matthew Altieri, Phillis Beinart, Andrew Carr, Pat Collins, Ellen Hardy, Elija Heward, Oana Lauric, John Plunkett, Janee Rudolph, Racket Shreve, Loretta Spinelli, Cathy Stacey and Joe Victory.
Arc Works Exhibition on 2nd Floor Old Town Hall and Presidential Inauguration 2009 Photos – First Class Petty Officer Mark O’Donald will exhibit his photographs from his assignment as a photojournalist with the navy reserves covering President Obama’s Inauguration.
5:30 – 7 p.m. East West Trio, Jazz, Funk & Blues
7:00 p.m. Accumulation Dance, Contemporary Modern Dance
8:00 p.m. Rebecca Hains, soprano singing Gilbert & Sullivan arias.
*Schedule subject to changes. Visit the website: www.salemartsfestival.com periodically for schedule updates for the whole festival weekend.*
Volunteers are needed for more information contact jennifer@salemmainstreets.org.