Salem’s Haunted Happenings is in the home stretch and this weekend promises to be a blockbuster weekend! From a Disco Dance Party to a children’s trick-or-treat on Pickering Wharf there is fun for all ages. Looking to go for a jog try The Devil’s Chase 6.66 Miler Saturday, October 27 at 8 a.m. There are great places to shop for the perfect Halloween accessory and gift items. There are fantastic restaurants to enjoy, museums to visit, night tours, costume balls and much more. You can even catch a Civil War Era style base ball game at 11 a.m. on the Salem Common. For a full list of events visit Evening
Parties Saturday night in Salem include: Colonial Hall Costume Ball, Gulu-Gulu Costume Ball, Solstice of Souls Ball, Wicked Night on the Wharf, and the Disco Halloween Dance Party. On Pickering Wharf, Sunday, October 28 there is Trick-or-Treating starting at 5 p.m. and a children’s costume party at Finz at 6 p.m. Stop downtown Salem this weekend you will find something to do! (Photos from
last weekend.)
This weekend is filled with fright and fun for the whole family. From a children’s parade and costume party, Saturday, to the 24th Annual Halloween Motorcycle Ride, Sunday, Salem is filled with activity. Salem State Theatre Company will perform Born This Way at 11 on Saturday, October 20. There will be live music starting at noon on the Fountain stage and lots of shopping throughout the downtown. During the day and into the night there will be ghost and witch tours as well as lots of parties around town into the wee hours
. Visit for more information and a full schedule of events.
Haunted Happenings is only just beginning for Salem! There are many more spooks and scares to experience before the season ends. Just this weekend alone there is the 15th Annual Child’s Day festival, a war memorial, an 80’s zombie prom and the ghostly Haunted Harbor Cruise as well as many other events.
The Children’s Day Festival – Saturday, Salem celebrates its 15th annual Children’s Day with live performers, costume contests, games, yummy food, pony rides and many more! Come to the Salem Commons from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to take part in the festival activities.
80’s Zombie Prom – The 80’s and zombie have one thing in common – there are eternal and full of fashion faux pas. So dusty off your jelly bean skirt and that keyboard tie, and mix it with a little rotting flesh. And of course there will be an undead prom King and Queen. Saturday night at Rockafellas from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. with musical guests Bail Out Boston and DJ Tony SAP.
And on a more somber note, this Saturday and Sunday the Salem Waterfront Hotel will be hosting the Moving Memorial for Massachusetts Service Members who have made the ultimate sacrifice since 2001. All are welcomed to visit the kiosk and honor their memory.
Tonight is the Annual Salem Chamber of Commerce Haunted Happenings Parade. This event is the official kick off of Haunted Happenings, a month long celebration of all things Halloween. The parade includes high school bands, Salem school groups, local bands, businesses and much more. If you can’t make the parade in Salem you can watch local coverage on SATV. For more details about the parade visit For a full Haunted Happenings Schedule visit
(The SALEM FARMERS’ MARKET will be open today but closing early due to the parade.)
Friday, October 5 Haunted Happenings events will continue with Mayor’s Night Out Trick or Treating starting at 5:30 at the entrance to the Museum Place Mall on Essex Street. Many local attractions will be open free to Salem residents. Don’t miss First Friday events where over 30 downtown businesses will have entertainment and actvities or promotions until at least 8 p.m.