Jun 302009

Check out the Salem Farmers’ Market every Thursday from 4 – 7 p.m. in Derby Square on Front Street. As the growing season changes different items will be for sale each week. For the first week Gibney Gardens had a beautiful array of plants…

Salem’s very own Maitland Mountain Farm brought farm fresh eggs which were a hot item and sold out very quickly…

Chef Tony Bettencourt from Sixty2 on Wharf Restaurant provided a cooking demonstration…

Opening day entertainment included music by Qwill and Will Faust and Emily Rousso and children’s activites by A.L.L. Thank you to the Lobster Shanty for holding an opening day fundraiser for the Salem Farmers’ Market!

Aug 302008

Join Salem Main Streets for a FREE Identity Theft Workshop
December 16, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. at the Salem 5 meeting room at 210 Essex Street.

Are you compliant with current laws for handling customer information? New penalties will be in place in 2009 which make stricter fines for non-compliance. Businesses may be held liable and penalized, through regulatory fines and penalties, sanctions, and even civil lawsuits, if they do not adequately protect the private financial, medical, and other personal and confidential information of their clients, customers, and employees. Unfortunately many businesses, particularly small businesses and professional practices, are unaware of their requirements and the significant potential liabilities imposed by these regulations.

This workshop will focus on these issues by examining;

· (FCRA) Fair Credit Reporting Act
· (FACTA) Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act – Red Flag and Disposal Rules
· (GLB) Gramm-Leach-Bliley – Safeguards Rule
· (HIPAA) – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act – Security Rule
· (CISP) – Visa Cardholder Information Security Program and (PCI) – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
· California SB 1386 – and other State Legislation

Come to this workshop and find out how these laws affect your business and how even the smallest businesses can achieve compliance and reduce risk.

Presented by Rick Christiana who is a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist, the nation’s only professional certification program specifically developed to train and equip professionals to understand and address Identity Theft and related fraud. Rick is an Independent Associate with Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.

Call or email Jennifer at (978)744-0004 or Jennifer@salemmainstreets.org to R.S.V.P. for this workshop.

Aug 272008

florida lottery

Tuesday, September 23 from 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. at the Enterprise Center at Salem State College 121 Loring Avenue, Salem, MA
Learn from business expert’s practical ways to strengthen your company, despite the current economic challenges. Identify tactics to better manage marketing, finances, operations and human resources. Hear from speakers who have helped hundreds of small firms survive, and even thrive, in light of dynamic markets, escalating costs, and fierce competition. Join us for an interactive discussion of strategies and tactics designed for your small business. Moderator: Margaret Somer, Regional Director, Small Business Development Center Co-sponsored Salem Main Streets. Register for this workshop here.

Aug 272008


Thursday, September 11th from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. at Gulu-Gulu Café, Salem, MA Presented by: Coleby Mantz of Jetty Marketing LLC & Janet Barsanti of J. Mode. This workshop is focused on helping local retailers market themselves more effectively – on a limited budget. The presentation will cover:

  • How to identify your target market
  • What to consider when differentiating your business
  • How to determine your marketing budget
  • Inexpensive marketing “tips”
  • Your merchandising strategy
  • How to keep customers coming back

There will be a Q&A session following the presentation.

To register contact Jennifer Bell at (978)744-0004×15 or salemmainstreets@salem-chamber.org
