Jan 162016

What is ahead for Salem Main Streets and 2016? Please join us for a night of celebration and information Tuesday, January 26th as we conduct the Salem Main Streets Annual Meeting.

SAF VolsKylie Sullivan, SMS Executive Director says, “Come cheer with us over last year’s accomplishments and look ahead to see what’s coming in 2016. Learn more about Salem Main Streets’ mission and purpose, and how you can benefit and get more involved.”

This gathering is free and open to all who live, work, or play in downtown Salem – residents, volunteers, business owners, community partners, and government officials.

Stephanie at boothIn other words, we want you there if you have anything to say about how the Downtown District was promoted by us in the past and —

Kylie emphasizes, “We are especially looking for feedback to help improve our work going forward.”

The meeting will run from 5:30 – 7:30pm at Ames Hall in the Salem YMCA, 1 Sewall Street (enter from the Essex Street entrance).

Free appetizers and cash bar!

Please invite your neighbors, associates, and friends! This is you chance to have an impact on how Salem is seen by the local community and the world.

Please RSVP to Kylie at kylie@salemmainstreets.org or 978-744-0004 x15.

Salem Main Streets’ mission is the continued revitalization of downtown Salem as a vibrant, year-round, retail, dining and cultural destination through business retention, recruitment, and promotion of the Downtown District.

Dec 172015

Good news and bad news. We’ve got a Salem Winter Market scheduled for Saturday Dec. 19th from 1-5pm at 217 Essex Street. Bad news is that it is the last market of the season.


Fresh home grown & produced items await your delight. Stock up with some great main course and accessory food for your holiday table. Support local farmers. And have fun. What more could you ask for on a Saturday before Christmas. Oh yes, Santa.

A little elf told us “Santa will be there sometime between 2 to 4pm.” Apparently the big guy has a lot on his plate to pin him down (get it, plate, food, Winter Market…).

It has been an interesting experiment to hold two special Winter Markets instead of the traditional multi-week Winter Farmers’ Market after the Halloween break.

“Our November market exceeded all our expectations,” reflects Kylie Sullivan, Salem Main Streets, Executive Director. “We were so pleased with the number of shoppers, the quality of the vendors, and how much activity it added to the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall.”

WM3“At these markets, you can actually talk to the people who’ve made the lotion, who’ve raised the chickens, who’ve stitched the clothes. You see your neighbors, catch up with long-lost friends, and say hi to a chef from one of our wonderful downtown restaurants as they shop for ingredients for that night’s menu. There’s so much added value when you shop at local markets like ours.”

She adds, “We’re also so thankful to Advanced Realty Management for the use of this beautiful space. We love being able to use it for this event, but we also hope that it helps people imagine how the space could be used and help us fill the current vacancy.”

So, while you’re looking at the goods, talking to the vendors and having some holiday shopping fun not being pushed around like at the mall or big box store, keep an open mind for others uses of the space at 217 Essex. It’ll be your gift to the community.

The Salem Farmers’ Market and Winter Market are organized by Salem Main Streets with assistance from Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, and the City of Salem, Salem Chamber of Commerce, and numerous volunteers. For further information regarding current vendors and Winter Market updates, refer to the Market’s website, Facebook, and Twitter pages, or contact Kylie Sullivan directly at 978-744-0004 x15.

Nov 152015

Holiday shopping starts this upcoming weekend! The Salem Winter Market returns in a new & improved form with special presentations on Sunday, November 22nd from 3 – 7 pm, and Saturday, December 19th from 1 – 5 pm. The indoor market will take place at 217 Essex Street on the pedestrian mall (the Naumkeag Trust building, formerly home to The Gathering).

KylieDid you note that one is before Thanksgiving and the other before Christmas? They could almost be called “Holiday” winter markets. Did that play into the specific dates?

“Absolutely,” explains Kylie Sullivan, executive director of Salem Main Streets and organizer of the market. “There’s a LOT of shopping that needs to be done for the holidays, whether you need ingredients for cooking, gifts for family, friends, or colleagues, or maybe even just a treat for yourself to relieve the stress of this crazy time of year!”

She reveals“The Winter Market has been a fantastic opportunity to support local farms and artisans through the holiday season, but the weekly weekday market we’ve done in past years just wasn’t working for a lot of our customers.”

“Having two weekend events will be much more convenient for many of our shoppers, as well as our vendors. We’re very excited to showcase so many of our usual Farmers’ Market favorites as well as some new vendors in this unique space.”

Obviously, due to the seasonality of produce, many vendors at Salem Winter Market will have very different offering that you’re used to seeing at the summer Salem Farmers’ Market. There will be a lot of squash, leafy greens, and root vegetables, and some of the farmers will be carrying decorative holiday greens, including garlands, wreaths, and kissing balls. There will also be a larger mix of vendors with prepared foods, including baked goods, sweets, and pickles.

winter MarketBut there’s more to the scheduling than meets the eye.

Sullivan adds, “We’ve also timed them to fit in with other community events and increase the festive feeling downtown on those days.”

For example:

  • Sunday, Nov. 22 from 2 pm to 5 pm, the Salem Collective of Artists and Musicians (SCAM) will be leading a free lantern-making workshop at the Salem Arts Center (179 Essex Street),  in preparation for Santa’s Arrival and the Tree Lighting on Friday, Nov. 27.
  • Also on Sunday, Nov. 22, from 11 am to 7 pm, the tenants on Artists’ Row will also be holding a special pop-up shopping event
  • Saturday, Dec. 19, there will be a Salem Holiday Market being held at Old Town Hall with a number of local artisans.

Something else to be excited about is your continued support of the Farmers’ Market in this 2.0 world.

Sullivan reflects, “At a time when you can buy anything from the internet without out ever speaking to a living person, I think people really miss having a personal relationship with the people who are making the products they buy, and where they can interact with their community. At these markets, you can actually talk to the people who’ve made the lotion, who’ve raised the chickens, who’ve stitched the clothes.”

“You see your neighbors, catch up with long-lost friends, and say hi to a chef from one of our wonderful downtown restaurants as they shop for ingredients for that night’s menu. There’s so much added value when you shop at local markets like ours.”

The Salem Farmers’ Market and Winter Market are organized by Salem Main Streets with assistance from Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, and the City of Salem, Salem Chamber of Commerce, and numerous volunteers. For further information regarding current vendors and Winter Market updates, refer to the Market’s website, Facebook, and Twitter pages, or contact Kylie Sullivan directly at 978-744-0004 x15.

Aug 132015

Mayor’s Night Out 2014 – Photo Credit Social Palates

Let’s face it, our Mayor, Kimberley Driscoll, is a popular political figure. She is outspoken when need be. She listens to people in the community. And she is accessible. Point in fact, the annual event called Mayor’s Night Out, which takes place this year on Monday, Aug. 17th from 5-7pm.

And… YOU have the select opportunity to join Salem Main Streets and Mayor Kimberley Driscoll during this special tour of three of downtown Salem’s hot dining spots, this year with a focus on restaurants that feature products from the Salem Farmers’ Market!

“This is really such a great event, and I’m very excited this year that we’re highlighting restaurants who regularly source ingredients from the Farmers’ Market,” says Kylie Sullivan, Executive Director of Salem Main Streets. “We see so many of our local chefs down at the Market every week shopping for their menus that it was hard to pick just three for this year – that said, I think we’ve selected a killer lineup!”

And that lineup is…

5:00 – 5:30 – Firenze Trattoria
5:45 – 6:15 – The Naumkeag Ordinary
6:30 – 7:00 – Opus

Mayor’s Night Out is a unique opportunity to spend time with Mayor Driscoll, ask questions, offer comments, ask her to pass a napkin or if she’d like a refill on her beverage, etc. Low key, but lively, the walking tour of three dining establishments offers a fun time for those who reserve a spot quickly.

Tickets are $25 to participate with passed hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar at each stop. Tickets MUST be reserved in advance by emailing kylie@salemmainstreets.org, calling 978-744-0004 x15, or purchasing in person at our office 265 Essex Street, Suite 101.

Proceeds from Mayor’s Night Out support the efforts of Salem Main Streets. Our mission is the continued revitalization of downtown Salem as a vibrant, year-round, retail, dining and cultural destination through business retention, recruitment, and the promotion of the downtown district. Other SMS events include the Salem Farmers’ Market, Salem Arts Festival, Salem’s So Sweet, and the Ice Scream Bowl.

Jul 292015

2015-07-23 15.18.25

Those aren’t our sentiments this time. Those words are a key part of a headline and the actual first sentence in a 7/28/15 Huffington Post blog. That’s right. The social media powerhouse, Huffington Post referred to life at the Farmers’ Market as something important to the community. We know that here in Salem where regular attendees to our Thursday Farmers’ Market (3-7pm in Derby Square) don’t just grab & go. They stay and chat with the farmers and vendors. There is a community connection that flows over the counter.

Blogger Teri Turner reinforces that “I love talking to the farmers-who awakened three hours before I did-about what they grow, and what’s in season.” Her blog also focuses on the fact that her area Farmers’ Markets give a great deal of space to something not often seen at FM: items from the ocean.

And besides fruits and veggies, the Salem Farmers’ Market also has fresh seafood: including lobsters! You actually can bring home your personal “catch of the day” in a bargain buy!

If you’ve never been to our Farmers’ Market, mark your calendar for an entertaining and informative experience, Thursday from 3-7pm in Derby Square. Fruits, vegetables, flowers, bread, seafood, music and more.

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