Who would think, looking at the replica of The Friendship at dock on Derby Wharf that it could be related to a murder mystery?
Dinner theatre with a twist is on tap for guests at this Tuesday’s special 7pm production of Murder Mystery at Opus Restaurant, presented by the Salem Theatre Company, in conjunction with Creative Salem.
It’s 1830. Joseph Peabody’s ship The Friendship has been attacked in the East Indies. Only four survivors return. You are on board the boat with the reprisal mission, comprised of Pirates, Rapscallions and Rascals.
The play asks “Who can you trust? Who can you not trust? What really is behind that eyepatch….?”
If you’ve never attended a mystery dinner theater the key is audience participation. Usually there is no stage; the actors move all around so you can see and hear from all seats.
In this particular production “What people are trying to solve is a murder of the brutal (and fictional) ‘Captain Jan Overy’ of The Friendship,” states Matthew Gray, director.
There was an actual incident involving a ship called The Friendship being attacked in 1831.
“Our scenario may be historically based, but is only hysterically realized. While some local references have been made, this is not a historically referential event,” explains Gray.
And in addition to the entertainment, and the food (it is dinner theatre), there is also a prize to the person solving the mystery.
Gray adds, “There is indeed a prize for the winner… A MYSTERY prize!”
This evening of thrills, chills, laughs and mystery is part of the continuing effort by Creative Salem to showcase more than just local bands. The goal is to optimize the nightlife space with diversity, drive and creativity.
Salem has that certain something that we feel makes us a tad bit different than other “theme” destinations. Here you don’t just look, you can also reach out and touch. We are interactive.
For more information on tickets go to the STC website or call 978-790-8546. The Opus is located at 87 Washington Street in Salem. (Food and drink are not included in the ticket price). Opus contact number is 978-744-9600.
Food and Drink are not included in the ticket price however full menu will be available before the performance – See more at: http://www.creativesalem.com/community/2014/8/26/creative-salem-presents-pirates-a-murder-mystery-dinner-theatre-by-salem-theatre#sthash.Ilyy7lQp.dpuf
Food and Drink are not included in the ticket price however full menu will be available before the performance – See more at: http://www.creativesalem.com/community/2014/8/26/creative-salem-presents-pirates-a-murder-mystery-dinner-theatre-by-salem-theatre#sthash.Ilyy7lQp.dpuf
Food and Drink are not included in the ticket price however full menu will be available before the performance – See more at: http://www.creativesalem.com/community/2014/8/26/creative-salem-presents-pirates-a-murder-mystery-dinner-theatre-by-salem-theatre#sthash.Ilyy7lQp.dpuf