Jul 152015

What did you do on the way to work yesterday? I took a live, guided, interactive tour of the Taj Mahal, followed by a walk through the streets of Dublin. All courtesy of an amazing new piece of social media technology called Periscope. And (weather permitting) you have the opportunity to see it in action as Salem Main Streets will be joining @SalemAMB in live streaming from the Farmers’ Market at approx. 5pm on Thursday.

Periscope, simply put, is a video of something going on, but it is live. And you the viewer can ask the film-maker questions in real time. It’s just like being there.

In the words of the developers, it was an idea of “discovering the world through someone else’s eyes. What if you could see through the eyes of a protester in Ukraine? Or watch the sunrise from a hot air balloon in Cappadocia? It may sound crazy, but we wanted to build the closest thing to teleportation.”

Periscope-screenshots-Periscope is available on iOS and Android devices. As it is owned by Twitter, announcements of live ‘scopes’ are issued on Twitter to all followers of that accompanying Periscope account. (You can also watch on your computer but there is no interactivity interface. Just copy/paste the link that appears in the Twitter promo).

By optimizing the Farmers’ Market for the initial broadcast, we are giving viewers in Salem, the North Shore — and anywhere in the world — the opportunity to ask vendors questions as we pass their tables.

Yes, indeed it is promotion for how great we feel the Salem Farmers’ Market is. But it will be enhanced by the interaction. Consider as we pass tomato baskets and someone from Ireland asks a question about which kinds of tomatoes are best with salad. Or someone in Los Angeles later remarks about the unusual aspect of lobsters at a Farmers’ Market.

If time permits, plans call for a second broadcast later in the evening of the PEM/PM party. We are strong supporters of the creative ways people express themselves in Salem through food, literature, art, music, etc. Periscope will be a way of not only “telling” people about it, but showing & interacting with them. What better way to display the community focus of the Peabody Essex Museum?

If you wish to see selected Periscopes (and we advise you while many are interesting, some are like a personal / vanity / diary / blog, and there are a few which are downright strange) go to http://onperiscope.com/ Only live ‘scopes’ can be played.

There is no charge to download the Periscope app (here is an excellent tutorial) if you wish to follow us on our journey of promoting all things Salem to the world. To participate in Thursday’s pilot efforts, either follow @SalemAMB on Twitter for a direct link notification, or open the Periscope app and click on the “Map” or “List” options and scroll down looking for titles that refer to the Salem Farmers’ Market or PEM/PM.

(Source of image is from medium.com/@periscope)

Jun 092015

No sooner does the energy of the Salem Arts Festival fade from Derby Square / Artist’s Row area than the Salem Farmers’ Market moves in with just as much fanfare, sounds, sights, colors and characters. This Thursday, from 3-7 pm you can get fresh with a veggie, fruit, etc. at Derby Sq on Front St. — rain or shine.

A farmers’ market allows growers the opportunity to market directly to consumers without having to deal with a food broker; they can also explain to customers how the food is grown and even advise on preparation. It’s a win/win.

That is especially true this year as we have a bumper crop of farms that will be delivering diverse produce.

SFM1Clark Farm
Gibney Gardens
Grant Family Farm
Heavens Harvest Farm
Honey Pot Farm (new!)
Long Hill Orchard
Maitland Mountain Farm
Wally’s Vegetables

But, as has been said before, this isn’t your grandmother’s Farmers’ Market. It’s produce and more.

Things You Can Eat (or drink)
A & J Lobsters
All Fruit, Inc. (new!)
Auntie Elsie’s Oatmeal Crisps
Cookie Monstah
Far From The Tree
Fishwives Specialty Foods
Jodi Bee Bakes
Grassy Roots (new!)
Milk and Honey
Mill River Winery
Rowand Seafood
Stillman’s at the Turkey Farm
Sweet Lydia’s
Valicenti Pasta Farm
When Pigs Fly

Other Things To Bring You Joy
Teas, Herbs & Spices : Just Herbals (new!); Salem Spice

Jewelry: Heritage Handmade

Bed, Bath, Home Products: Salem Soapworks

Plus music. Don’t forget the music. Everything from folk to rock, Celtic tunes, sea shanties, and classical to name just a few. Keep checking this list as we constantly update the performance schedule.

The Salem Farmers’ Market participates in SNAP and accepts the EBT card. SFM is still looking for volunteers to help with set up and break down of the market. Click here for more info.

Salem Farmers’ Market is a Salem Main Streets project in partnership with the City of Salem, the Salem Chamber of Commerce, and Mass in Motion Salem.


Jun 072015

Final arts Festival

Sights, sounds, colors, characters— the Salem Arts Festival this weekend was “art” and much, much more. Thank you to all the people displaying their work, the volunteers, our partners in this project, and most of all, you, the attendees.

(Photo courtesy John Andrews of Social Palates Photography)

May 312015

Is art “either a plagiarist or a revolutionary” (as artist Paul Gauguin once stated) or is it “filling a space in a beautiful way” (artist Georgia O’Keeffe)? Art is many things to many people. You will experience that next weekend (June 5-7) when the 7th annual Salem Arts Festival rolls out across Salem Ma.

Let’s go to an unbiased source, the Oxford Dictionary, where art is defined as “The expression or application of creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting, drawing, or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

Then add dance, theatre, film, music, photography, and even knitting.  Now you have the palette from which the Salem Arts Festival is drawn.

The SAF seeks & presents art and performance for the sophisticated art patron as well as for the art novice.  And this especially includes interactive activities for children. This is a family-friendly event which annually attracts 5000 attendees.

The Salem Arts Festival schedule includes The Gallery, performances, Street Fair, and art-making activities all to be found within easy walking distance of each other at Old Town Hall, Derby Square, Front Street, and Artists’ Row.

What is your definition of art? Will it alter or be reinforced after attending the Salem Arts Festival?

The SAF promotes the arts in downtown Salem through this festival for residents and visitors by providing opportunities to highlight the existing artist community and encouraging general community participation in the arts.

The Salem Arts Festival is organized by Salem Main Streets and a collaboration of Salem organizations which provide support for the festival, including the City of Salem, Salem State University Center for the Creative and Performing Arts, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem Arts Association and Creative Salem.

Photo Credit – Social Palates

May 232015

Inclusion. That is one of the things we strive for in events taking place in Salem. For example, last year you may have attended the Salem Arts Festival for the first time or for the 6th. This year, you can be a part of it as a volunteer.

SAF VolsVolunteers are being sought to assist with set ups, break downs, greetings, handing out brochures, assisting at performance stages and other duties as needed. The Salem Arts Festival takes place June 5-7.

Over 5,000 people attended last year’s family-friendly Festival which transformed downtown Salem, MA into an opportunity for the arts community to showcase a wide range of talents: painting, photography, sculpture, dance, music, writing, film, new media, performance, theatre, poetry, and more!

Volunteering is a great way to meet the artists and interact with fellow supporters of the arts.

Just as an FYI, there is also research pointing to volunteering as a provider of individual health benefits in addition to social ones. “The Health Benefits of Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research,” by the Corporation for National & Community Service established “a strong relationship between volunteering and health: those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer.”

Help the community and you help yourself.

The Salem Arts Festival needs assistance in the following areas.

Friday, June 5
Gallery Installation
10 am to 2 pm. Seeking shifts of 2 hours, as many as possible.

Opening reception set-up
4 to 6pm. Seeking 4 volunteers.

Gallery sitters & greeters
6 to 9pm. Seeking 4 volunteers to gallery sit during the opening reception and help direct guests.

Opening reception clean-up
8:30 to 10 pm. Seeking 4 volunteers.

Saturday, June 6
General set-up
9:30 to 11am. Seeking 6 volunteers. Duties include hanging signs and putting out A-frame signs, setting up info tables, preparing the gallery, assisting at performance stages, and assisting street fair vendors.

Greeters (outdoors)
10:30am to 6pm (broken into four shifts of 10:30am to 12:30pm, 12:30 to 2:30pm, 2:30 to 4:30pm, and 4:30 to 6pm). Seeking 4 volunteers per shift. Duties will include handing out arts festival programs and assisting guests with directions, etc. Greeters will be stationed at specific locations.

Gallery sitters/greeters
Indoor Gallery. 10:30am to 6pm (broken into four shifts of 10:30am to 12:30pm, 12:30 to 2:30pm, 2:30 to 4:30pm, and 4:30 to 6pm). Seeking 2 volunteers per shift. Duties will include greeting guests, directing them to other activities, offering other general directions and keeping an eye on the work in the gallery during gallery hours.

Information table
Derby Square. 10:30am to 6pm (broken into four shifts of 10:30am to 12:30pm, 12:30 to 2:30pm, 2:30 to 4:30pm, and 4:30 to 6pm). Seeking 2 volunteers per shift. Duties will include handing out programs and other literature as well as directing people to Arts Festival events or around Salem. Volunteers at this table will also assist in the sales of merchandise for any SAF performers.

Performance stage help
11am to 6 pm, Derby Square and Artists’ Row. Duties will include helping bands get on and off these stages as quickly as possible and include moving some equipment. Seeking 2 volunteers to commit for the full day.

General breakdown
5:30 to 7/7:30pm. Seeking 4 volunteers. Duties include taking down signs, picking up A-frame signs, tidying up gallery, bringing in information table, helping out at performance stages to close them up for the night.

Sunday, June 7
General set up
9:30 to 11am. Seeking 6 volunteers. Duties include putting up signs, setting up info tables, preparing gallery, assisting at performance stages, and assisting street fair vendors.

Greeters (outdoors)
10:30am to 6pm (broken into four shifts of 10:30am to 12:30pm, 12:30 to 2:30pm, 2:30 to 4:30pm, and 4:30 to 6pm). Seeking 4 volunteers per shift Duties will include handing out arts festival programs and assisting guests with directions, etc. Greeters will be stationed at specific locations.

Gallery sitters/greeters
Indoor Gallery. 10:30am to 6pm (broken into four shifts of 10:30am to 12:30pm, 12:30 to 2:30pm, 2:30 to 4:30pm, and 4:30 to 6pm). Seeking 2 volunteers per shift. Duties will include greeting guests, directing them to other activities, offering other general directions and keeping an eye on the work in the gallery during gallery hours.

Information table
Derby Square. 10:30am to 6pm (broken into four shifts of 10:30am to 12:30pm, 12:30 to 2:30pm, 2:30 to 4:30pm, and 4:30 to 6pm). Seeking 2 volunteers per shift. Duties will include handing out programs and other literature as well as directing people to Arts Festival events or around Salem. Volunteers at this table will also assist in the sales of merchandise for any SAF performers.

Performance stage help
11am to 6 pm, Derby Square and Artists’ Row. Duties will include helping bands get on and off these stages as quickly as possible and include moving some equipment. Seeking 2 volunteers to commit for the full day.

General breakdown
5:30 to 7/7:30pm. Looking for 6 volunteers. Duties include taking down signs, picking up A-frame signs, cleaning up gallery, assisting with art pick-up, striking information table, helping out at performance stages to close them out for the festival, gathering any festival related things that are outdoors, packing up any festival materials. Breakdown will include some jobs that require the ability to lift.

Please contact Kylie Sullivan at Salem Main Streets at kylie@salemmainstreets.org with your name and your date/time availability.

The Salem Arts Festival is organized by Salem Main Streets and a collaboration of Salem organizations which provide support for the festival, including the City of Salem, Salem State University Center for the Creative and Performing Arts, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem Arts Association and Creative Salem.

( Photo courtesy John Andrews of SocialPalatesPhotography )
